stop....turn...take a look around.......

Feb 10, 2006 16:30

OMG people fucking suck!!!!!!!!
i am soo fucking pissed right now. i've actually perfect 2 not look pissed- so its all internal anger external sadness- @ least they'll see that something is wrong but not the whole truth.
y do people suck?
ok so everything started yesterday-- i saw my lit review and i got a FUCKING 4 which is a D, that just pissed me off b/c i worked pretty damn hard on it. so i spoke to Allford and she said the the tension was too small and so was Kurtz, style should have been longer and there should have been more rising action- or that makes sense but it still hurt that i can't FUCKING get a C/5. SO for waiting for Godot- i'll probably have to do it along and hopefully i wont det a 3 like i did on othello- i would luv 2 work w/ a partner but there isn't anyone i can work with so it suxs.
Then allford proceeded to tell me that i did horrid on the art & poetry, in total its only the 5 week and i'm getting a C-, almost a D!!!!!!!!!1
so yeah i'm kinda fumed about that--- Tiffany- i dont think u have itin you to do anything worse then me- so you got a 7- its not the end of the world- u'll make it up in no time w/ all ur A's- it will balance out. Same for you Kim, i highly doubt u guys are failures like me.
So during lunch i was pretty bummed about that, o wait b4 lunch i saw Tigran i said hi and he just started shaking his fist and head and then he wouldn't even talk to me. WTF did i do? i haven't even seen him all week!!!!!!!!! omg if i do something b a man grow some fucking balls and tell me!!!!!!!!
ok so during lunch- as i stated b4 i was pretty bummed, i knew Henry was supposed 2 come and visit- but since I didn't see him i just figures- whatever. Then I looked up and there he was. Wearing the shirt i bought him from New York. that lifted my mood so much. I suddenly became pretty happy. Then he had to leave but i hung on to that memory.
Pole update- today we added sticked # 4 to the pole- well edward did actually- yaaay its going to look soo cool when we're done.
so 5th period, Melissa and Jane threw bitch fits and we did our work. then i told Anna that my page didn't have my stuff on it b/c i've been busy w/ everything else, and i also told Jamie. Big mistake- she was so harsh on me. Normally i can understand- ok i desrve it. but this time i was truley busy. and everytime we leave a computer even for a second it gets grabbed, so i havn't been able to add everything

well thats all thats missing me off-- Fucking basket ball game 2 night
o wait, there was one more thing- i saw roman's myspace pictures and he was doing hooka, drinking and hopefully nothing more. WTF happened- did he sucked into the evilness of high school? ugh-- i have to speak to him about that tommorow.

well thats offically all
i think
anyways weekend
sleep, chill, relax, hopefully go tto the movies and yeah i just want to chill sand have fun b/c i didn't get any last sunday
time to clean

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