You know, I hate, detest, can’t bear a lie..........

Feb 05, 2006 06:47

ok, i am still awake!!!!
i took maybe an hour nap and am still up
i have been working diligenlty throught the Lord of the RIngs: III, i'm listening to it now, almost @ my half point-- yaaaaaay
then- sleep
its light out side----- getting lighter by the minute--- i am a liar-- i said i would be done by dawn-- curse ye lies

ok----- must work, must not take a break, must be a pessimist like Marlow- b/c life is evil---- grrr, Marlow is sooo annoying
o kim/tiff/ harmony- there were a few things i noted and forgot what they were- they are: the whited sepulchre and Morituri Te Salutant-- its in the begining of the book

if one of you could get back that would be great

as for now
i'm off to see the wiz...............heart of darkness

peace yall
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