Feb 28, 2007 08:11
I got stabbed in my dream last night.
I'm grateful that I can tell when I'm dreaming.
This guy pulled out a knife and I was so shocked I just froze. He had been a little off, but I had been (purposefully) extra nice to him. Didn't change anything. I was yelling for help and trying to run away, but he grabbed me from behind. Then he started gutting me and I woke myself up.
The weirdest part about it was the feeling I got in my stomach. Normally the feelings I get from pain in my dreams are surprisingly vivid and accurate. This was still vivid, but it didn't hurt. It didn't tickle. It was just like my stomach turned. I think that may be because I don't really know what getting stabbed feels like. I am also grateful for that.
I'm confused as to why a minor character in my dream who had been completely neutral, if strange, just decided to kill me.