
Jun 21, 2008 08:15

She isn't signing very much anymore, even though she doesn't have a ton of words yet. I mean, she does, but she doesn't speak in sentences. She often grabs my hands and starts making me do what she wants, or pushes me in the direction she wants to go. She also IS repeating every word she hears, which is super cute.

And she now says AGAIN! and loves to hear songs over over again. She loves to do the Itsy Bitsy Spider.

True to form for the girls in this family, she also takes her shoes and socks off the second she is strapped into her carseat. And gets furious and yells STUCK! if she can't get them off.

She follows Jude everywhere and wants to do everything he does. She and I spent 45 minutes in bed this morning playing and it was so fun!


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