After watching half of
Synecdoche, and it is a long movie that can be difficult to take because the writer and director Charlie Kaufman can be a bigger Egomaniac and Tool than Thor and Newt Gringrich combined, my movie viewing companion and I decided that we needed to just have some movie fun with really Good Looking Guys, like we did when we
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Well, I haven't seen everything that Mr. Anderson has made, but he is less self absorbed than Mr. Kaufman.
There is a reason why most movies about Writing and Making Movies fail with the general audience and that is because the process of writing and making a movie is just not that interesting. People want to hear and/or watch the stories not be subjected to the tedious process that makes the stories. And writers are not that interesting compared to what they have to say.
No one knows that much about Shakespeare or how he wrote his stuff, but no one has to to appreciate his plays. I know too much about Mr. Kaufman and his process and I don't appreciate many of his movies because they are too much about him.
I will never forgive Kaufman for the deep shit of Adaptation. I loved the book, The Orchid Thief by Susan Orleans. That movie was the biggest dump ever taken by the biggest dinosaur that ever lived. Your shit does stink, Mr. Kaufman.
Why does Kaufman get the money and green light to make movies? And there are all those Women Directors who make and have made better movies than his narcissistic crap and they can't get financing. WHY?
Smallville did it first and better.
Say that LOUDER!
It's still too short of a needle.
But the Ball is BIG!
That's a winning team and you know it.
They have certainly WON you over.
OK, Me too.
What is it with Prince Charming's hair? Is that a Piece? Even when he was fighting Frosty the SnowMen, his hair never moved. He does look like Mr. Elwes, but he doesn't have the smarm in his voice that Mr. Elwes had as the Prince or whoever he was in that film.
Loki isn't attractive enough.
He never felt like he belonged. He was never Pretty enough. He was the Ugly Duckling.
From Baby Gap by the look of it. She's like the scientist version of Zooey Deschanel.
One episode of S10 had more nekkidness than Thor. Thank you, Justin Hartley.
Now, Now! Let us give some credit to Mr. Welling too.
I love, love, love bound and objectified Tom, but Tom in the phoneboot is just a classic. We'll never see those abs again~
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