The Dead Are Alive

Mar 27, 2010 01:57


Supernatural Season 5 is the Season of Death. All that dying is finally paying off. For Death, I guess.

Or, and this is my NEW THEORY (ALERT!), Gabriel the Trickster, threw Sam and Dean down a wormhole and the worm, Ouroboros, is biting them in the ass instead of the worm Ouroboros biting himself in the ass. Because Sam has one fine ass. And that is not just me saying that. Oh and Dean's ass has been studied by mathematicians (EQUATION: y = -(sin(x^(1.7/6) 4) (1/x)) 10) . Who says that girls can't do Math? So there you go---Mathematical and Verbal skills are totally covered on the Ass side. You wanna talk about arcsines? I wanna talk about Ass sides.  TOE may toe/ Toe mah toe ≈ Arc Sines/ Ass Sides.

Mr. Kripke's Diner Franchise

Mr. Kripke is back in the Diner Business. I guess that he got some of that government bailout money ⇒ maybe he got Sachs full of Goldman.

Roy's Rushmore Diner is one of of his franchises. Wonder what that Dakota Platter is like? It is pretty cheap, but is it good?

Considering all the Revenants in this diner's town, that platter might actually have a Dakota on it (like Dakota Fanning or all the other little child Dakotas blessed with that name). Hey look! Mount Rushmore has its four important Americans: Washington, Jefferson (he just got kicked out of the American History Books by some Rabid Texans), and Dean and Sam. I guess that those same Texans kicked Abraham Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt off the mountain too.

After Mr. Kripke plugs his diner, he plugs his booze, and his pies.

Mr. Kripke is an Up and Comer in the Fast Food and Booze Business. Good Luck to him and his new business ventures.

Sam and the Dating Game
Sam must have gotten his Clean Bill of Sexual Health from the CDC. Sam is back in the Dating Game.

Sam has always been partial to Older and Lovely Ladies. I think that this is because Sam knows that his Love will kill his Girlfriends, shall I make a list?
  1. The ever lovely Madison, ex wife of Lex Luthor and Bitch Goddess
  2. The smoking hot Jessie.
That is enough of the list, it will make me as depressed as Sam. So Sam has decided to go for the Older Ladies who probably don't have that long to live and if they do, they will just end up in nursing homes with other old ladies and not enough old men to go around. This is a lucrative market, if only some one knew how to tap it. Sam does (Mr. Kripke might want to look into this too).

Remember Red Sky at Morning?  It was one of the finer episodes of Season 3, and why, is Chuck the Prophet bad mouthing that episode? Stop it Chuck or I will be over at your "ramshackle" abode and TPing your tree in front of it. You'd like that, wouldn't you?

Sam tapped the Lovely silver haired Gert.

And Gert tapped Sam.

And that Ass of his with her Old Lady Hand.

And now, Sam has decided that he MUST HAVE MORE!

Sam has his eye on the Ravishing and Ravenous, Mrs. Jones.

There is a Mr. Jones, but I don't think that he is going to cause any trouble for Sam and his Old Lady Love.

Mr. Jones is sort of out of it.

Sam goes in for the Cuddle of Seduction.

But Mrs. Jones wants something more fulfilling from him. She jumps him. And Sam gives it to her.

Sam Cocks his Gun, and lets Mrs. Jones have it! Satisfied.

And you wonder why Lucifer is so Keen to Possess Sam. Lucifer wants to tap some of that for himself.

How Others See Us
This episode was ripped from the pages of Spoon River Anthology.

We have the town graveyard.

And we have the towns people, who all have their own opinions about and epitaphs for the other towns people.

When I first came to Spoon River
I did not know whether what they told me
Was true or false. They would bring me the epitath
And stand around the shop while I worked
And say "He was so kind," "He was so wonderful,"
"She was the sweetest woman," "He was a consistent Christian."
And I chiseled for them whatever they wished,
All in ignorance of the truth.
But later, as I lived among the people here,
I knew how near to the life
Were the epitaths that were ordered for them as they died.
But still I chiseled whatever they paid me to chisel
And made myself party to the false chronicles
Of the stones, Even as the historian does who writes
Without knowing the truth,
Or because he is influenced to hide it.

In the police station where Sam and the Sheriff have gathered the towns people to fight the Revenants that Death raised:

Towns People Man: "Uh, you mind telling us who the hell you are?"

Sam: "A friend of Bobby Singer's."

Towns PeopleMan: "Town Drunk."

Sam: "I thought he was the town drunk." motions toward Digger Welles.

Towns PeopleMan: " Who told you that?"

Sam: "Bobby Singer.... Stay sharp."

Digger Welles----that's a good one. Stop picking at a joke and a pun, Dean.

What towns people are talking about:

Sheriff Mills: "Bobby Singer is a menace. A handful of drunk and disorderlies and mail fraud."

Bobby: "Digger Welles is a drunk." He is also a pun and joke. see above

Bobby: "This Benny Sutton guy was a Grade A Son of a Bitch."

Bobby: "Mrs. Jones was always a Nutty Broad." No Bobby, Mrs. Jones just wanted to be loved. She wanted to ravish her lover.
This show is saying something about people and their perceptions. Should I be applying this to myself? Am I not seeing what is really happening here?

After all, I love my wise old Bobby and Sam and not so wise Dean. But really, the heroes of this show are guys who indulge in grave desecrations:

and impersonate Federal Officials:

(Note: see the pale car in the window? Death is Stalking.)

and punish hungry little children:

who mimic their own hungers.

Maybe I'm not seeing the whole picture here.

Our heroes are guys with messy lives and messy houses and messy psyches.

Things didn't get back to Normal, until those Wayward Winchester Boys and Bobby, messed everything and everybody up.

Graveyard and Junkyards
These are places where people and dead cars congregate. Is it any surprise that Bobby runs a Car Graveyard?

Notice the Pale Car? (Death) Notice the Red Car? (War) Notice the Black Car? (Famine) What Car does Pestilence drive?

John Winchester was a Car Mechanic before he became a Hunter. Is it any surprise that John tried to Fix Things?

And all those booze bottles around Bobby's house, is he the town drunk or just a writer?

Bobby's house looks pretty bookish to me.

What did Death Say?
Who knows what Death really said. Bobby, Karen, the Sheriff, everybody in this episode was hiding something from some one else. No one was telling the whole truth.

Bobby: " You boys should know, Karen told me why Death was here. I know why he took a stroll through the cemetery in the sticks of S. Dakota. He came for me."

Dean: "What do you mean, you?"

Bobby:" Death came for me. He sent Karen back to send me a message."

Dean: " You, why you?"

Bobby: "Because I 've been helping you, you sons of bitches. I'm one of the reasons you're still saying No to Lucifer, Sam."

Dean: "So this was a hit on your life?"

Bobby: My life or my spirit. Either way, they wanted me out of the way."

Sam: "But you're going to be all right. Right Bobby?"
And here's Another THEORY (Alert!):  Death has his own Realm unlike the other Horsemen. Death operates on his own. Does he really need Lucifer? Is Death the Wild Card in the Apocalypse? After all, the Winchesters have been escaping and cheating Death for quite a while now. What does Death think of that state of affairs?

The Risings
Remember when Dean cheated Death (once again---is Death keeping score?) and rose from his grave?

All those trees were felled.

Now look at Clay (Clay---man is made of Clay::Digger Welles::Eponymous Humor Alert!::) rising from the grave.

No trees but plenty of fallen leaves.

Dean Eats Pie

Some Gifs by  vt_graphics
Other Gifs from ontd 
Screen Caps by Me

supernatural, supernatural season 5, tv

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