Teachers are good people

May 05, 2011 14:55

Teachers are good people.

I was searching through journal articles and looking at the by-line. A certain ‘Friedman’ surname came up and it sprang a flashback into my JC days.

It was a usual day in LT (sheesh can’t remember what number... it was the dingy LT that overlooks where we have our morning assembly) and Ms Lum the Human Geography teacher was teaching us some urban settlement theory I think? By a person named Friedman/Fredman who developed it. She jokingly cutely broke out of teacher mode and said ‘Not Fried man ah!!’

And my… it is six years since this moment happened. [And every year the number increases ;( ]

So today I realise teachers are the ones who make your lessons fun, enter your world and teach you all they can, make life interesting, inspire you and ensure you are equipped for your own future.

They are after all adults with a keen sense of the world - with its atrocities and unfairness and all that, but for 5 days per week (and more, sometimes up to 24/7), they are constantly thinking of fresh ideas to bring to the classroom; a space where there is time for laughter, jokes, friendship, craziness, so untainted by the rat race outside the walls of the school.

So for that, I thank you teacher for inspiring my world and making life great during those brief years of growing up and finding my place in the world.

Today I sit in a little cubby in the office doing my search, seeing the word ‘Friedman’ again and remembering that a few years back, this would draw out guffaws of laughter in the LT but now I can only smirk to myself and enjoy the moment u created for us, even as I continue and click my cursor to the next page and the next like how all your students are moving on with their lives whether they remember you or not.

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