Sep 11, 2005 21:47
Isnt it strange how we where both always the person that didnt get to attachted to anyone that we just went out and had fun and if it was over than it was over...Well then the script flipped for you... and you actually did care for someone and you told that someone your feelings...but they didnt change you where the main character and no matter how much you poured your heart out they didnt do the same for you but that was okay cause you never felt like this before and you tried and tried cause you wanted it that bad and you werent willing to give up on this person... but this person was just the person that didnt care and didnt change and their script never changed... but somehow your words.. they got to that person after all that trying and showing how much you cared... so it all worked out all that time and effort you put in it all worked for you... so now these two people that werent supposed to say how the feel and didnt care and werent supposed to get attachted but they did and they got attachted to one another and so now they where both the main characters they both got the spotlight... but then you started not to care anymore you started getting tired of things and this was getting harder on you and that person that you tried all that time to get to love you back was head over heels for you... but you started not to care anymore you started to fall out of love you started to want time apart you started to get annoyed and frustrated at everything that person did... so you ended it you quit on the job you just got up walked out and just left... you left that person heart broken not knowing what to do..think..feel.. you just left that person abandoned and alone and scared... but when you left you took that persons now this person is playing the main character and your off not caring doing what you please and the person you got to fall in love with you is still there waiting hoping that you will come back...and now the script has flipped again...this time for the worse the only couple that people doubted made it...atleast for sometime...its to bad that that person that you made fall in love with you was me....