You said you said you sai, that this was gonna be different!!

Oct 17, 2005 13:18

I am really starting to get bored with school. I mean its not hard or anything im just getting really really fed up with it. I just think that it is bullshit that you have to worry yourself with useless classes that dont pertain to your major just to get a god damn degree. I took these fucking classes in high school why the fuck do i need to take them again. Another thing that is bullshit is the fucking gradeing scale that every class goes by. I think that it is fucking stupid to try and get a "good grade" in the class when all you really need to do is get a decent grade and its just as good. People are so worried about thier fucking grades and shit and when they go to get a job the employer is not going to be like "O fuck im not going to hire you cause you got a C+ in (insert class here)". Fuck that i think you either pass or you dont. Like in grade school when you get a S or a U. PERFECT GRADING SCALE. Done.

I REALLY REALLY have an urge to play football again. Its like a fucking withdraw or something. Like the time i was hooked on crack. but worse. I dont know why i just really want to play. strange. Im even considering going somewhere next year to play. I can tell you one thing im not going to fucking icc again this place sucks.

O shit i cant wait to go to this powderpuff football game tonight with Sir Douglas. It should be sweet.

Im getting kind of tired of all the bullshit that people have to put up with when you meet or like or want to hang out with someone. From now on if i dont like a person you will know. If i like you, you will know. If im with someone that doesnt like the person i like good for them everyone has thier oppinions. I think if you meet a girl or a guy that you like tell them "hey i think your pretty cool. wanna to screw" or "hey your pretty bad ass for only having one leg. Lets be friends" I just want to have a good time. Done

Well i think im about done now. Sooooo you can probly stop reading. NOW

YOurs truely,

c. everything said in this post was purely an opinion bases on the findings and long hours of research done by chris. that is all!!
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