Oct 11, 2005 23:28
Well school sucks. Well it doesnt suck I just dont like going. Its not like its hard or anything it just gets annoying. Some of the kids that go to school at ICC are cool. Some are complete dumbasses and some are just fucking retarded. I dont understand.
Anyways, not a whole lot has been going on other than school. I have been working with my dad alot on the farm. I think im turning into a farmer. SOMEONE PLEASE STOP ME NOW!!!! I went to xrise abovesx last show the other day. There set was pretty sweet. I didnt like any of the other bands though.
I went to a party last weekend. It was alright. I hung out with kevin reed most of the night. Protected the goods and got on peoples nerves. Pissed some people off that i didnt mean to do. Ooops. saw some people i havent seen in a while. Ive decided that i like to go to parties. Not to get drunk and act stupid but to just hang out. and maybe a little drunk. So if you know of any good parties that arent going to get busted let me know.
I bought World of Warcraft the other week. I have been playing that game alot lately. Im a fucking loser. NOT!! That game is fucking sweet. I recomend it.
HMMM. Girls. Well what can i say. Not much going for me right now. I have been talking to some on the internet but idk. Im kinda lonely. So if your a lonely girl and want to have a good time let me know and i will take you out for a night on the town. aaannnnd then back to my place for a party!! A PARTY IN MY PANTS!!!! No but really I want to. got it. OK. Just to hang out to boost my self esteem.
Now im tired im going to bed.