Nov 15, 2007 17:33
I'm so above everyone's pety high school bs. Whats the point?
Whatever it doesn't matter, the fact is that most of the people you're friends with in high school, you don't even talk to or see after you graduate; so why even get attached to and actually start to like and enjoy someones company? I'm just slowly running out of tolerance for fake stupidass bitches.
And everyday is just feeling like the same thing over and over. I'm not trying to complain to make it seem like my life sucks because the reality is I'm smiling and laughing 90% of everyday. Life doesn't suck. SOME PEOPLE IN IT SUCK. Some people are just not good. Some people just have their head stuck so far up their own ass they've lost touch of all reality and don't realize what a complete and utter IDIOT they are.
Here's something I don't understand: If you're going to be in a relationship with someone, I know that I want someone who will make me feel grateful to be with them and make me want to be a better person. I guess I'm the only one that feels that way though and everyone else just wants someone who is just as bad of a human being and they are and just team up together to make their friends they once had, but left because once they started the relationship they completely changed for the worst, and make them just feel like hell for no reason whatsoever.
It's all so stupid & now that I've said all this all I can do is laugh in vain and hope that said person(people actually) will return to their senses eventually.
Chicks before dicks!
Bros before hoes!