Loyalty in the Face of Change Ch. 7

Mar 15, 2010 00:26

Title: Loyalty in the Face of Change
Chapter: Seven: First Time
Author: chasepoke
Characters: Characters in Heroes, but mostly Luke and Gabriel/Sylar
Spoilers: Season 1 and beyond
Rating: R - NC-17
Warnings: Eventual violence and sex.
Summary: AU-ish. Luke and Gabriel attend the same High School back in the early 90's (which I'm guessing is when canon!Gabriel went to High School). The story follows their relationship throughout the years. I suppose the story will end when the series does. Wow, this summary sucks. Oh well, just read it.

Luke heard Gabriel whimper beneath him and he pulled away. Gabriel had a dazed look in his eyes, which Luke couldn’t tell was good or bad. “Gabe?” Gabriel said nothing. He looked shocked, “Gabriel, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean-” Gabriel leaned forward and tentatively engaged Luke in another, short kiss. “So, you feel the same way then?” Luke said when Gabriel pulled away, “Good, ‘cause I wasn’t sure and I thought that I might’ve-”

“Luke! It’s okay. Take a deep breath.” Luke laughed, albeit rather anxiously,

“Right. Sorry.”

“It’s alright.” Gabriel nibbled at his lower lip, “So… um… what do we do now?” Luke crawled over to Gabriel and straddled his lap,

“This,” Luke said, tilted his head, and pressed his lips to Gabriel’s once more. Gabriel hesitantly wrapped his arms around Luke and Luke thought it felt so wonderful to be held by someone. Wanted. The kiss was clumsy and strange due to both participants’ inexperience, but neither cared. Both were reveling in the pleasure of the mental, rather than the physical. Both were just happy to finally have found the type of affection they’d always been sure they’d never receive.

When they finally broke apart, they just stared at each other, unsure of what to say. “So does this mean that we’re, I dunno, dating?” Gabriel asked. Luke shrugged,

“I guess.”

“So, what does that mean?”

“It means that you’re going to have to sneak out a lot more.”

It turns out that dating was harder than they thought. They had to resist showing each other affection all day, since neither one of them could handle being social pariahs and openly gay at the same time. When Luke went over to Gabriel’s house, there was the occasional snuck peck here and there, but with the threat of Virginia bursting in at any time, they couldn’t do much else. The only real time they could do anything was at night, when Gabriel snuck out with Luke. Gabriel had told Luke that, as exciting as it was, he didn’t think he liked being a delinquent. This was fine by Luke as he now had much better ways to occupy his time. Luke had stolen a few dirty books from the local bookstore and self-educated himself about how to kiss (among other things) and overtime, the kissing improved until it was not only mentally pleasurable, but physically pleasurable as well. However, Luke soon began to itch for something more.

Gabriel clambered out of his bedroom window and stood in front of Luke, grinning from ear to ear. Luke gently took Gabriel by the hand, “C’mon,” he said. He was nervous, but he somehow kept his mouth clamped. He led Gabriel back to his house, as he had been doing for the past couple of weeks. His mother was usually either out or sleeping heavily. Besides, if she caught us together, she probably wouldn’t care. She would just chalk it up to another one of my faults.

Gabriel sat down in the middle of Luke’s bed when they arrived. Luke clambered onto the bed before crawling up to Gabriel, pushing him onto his back. Smiling, Gabriel ran his fingers through Luke’s hair, lightly massaging his scalp. Luke whimpered as the digits rubbing his head sent shivers through his spine and straight to his groin. Luke kissed Gabriel while his hands roamed his body. Luke immersed himself in the feeling of Gabriel’s skin under his fingertips and the other’s mouth on his own. Luke put his hand beneath Gabriel’s shirt, stroking the naked flesh of his torso. Gabriel’s skin was soft, the texture only broken by the tufts of hair on his chest and arms. Luke couldn’t help but entangle his fingers in that hair, being careful not to pull too hard. He felt Gabriel shiver against him and Luke smiled before reclaiming Gabriel’s mouth. Luke nibbled at Gabriel’s bottom lip and Gabriel gasped, allowing Luke’s tongue to dart inside the other’s mouth, savoring him. Gabriel tasted sweet and Luke remembered that he had eaten a piece of candy before they had left. Luke’s hands hiked higher up Gabriel’s torso, exploring every inch and Gabriel’s hands hesitantly rose to return the favor as Luke left Gabriel’s lips to nip at his earlobe and kiss at the skin behind his ear. Luke sighed as Gabriel’s hands began petting him. They felt so good on skin that had been rarely touched. Luke nuzzled at the crook of Gabriel’s neck before moving down slightly to kiss and bite at Gabriel’s neck. “Gabriel?” he half spoke, half moaned.

“Mmm?” Gabriel responded lazily, hands only faltering slightly on Luke’s chest.

“I wanna,” here, Luke paused, unsure of how to continue his request, “I wanna make love to you.” A blush spread across his cheeks as he spoke the words. Luke was far from the sappy type and using the phrase ‘make love’ just seemed so cheesy. But he knew Gabriel would appreciate that Luke had refrained from using the word ‘fuck,’ instead. Now Gabriel’s hands stilled completely and Luke prayed that he hadn’t scared Gabriel off by suggesting that they have sex too soon. Luke watched Gabriel as the other took a deep, shuddering breath,

“Okay,” he finally said.

“Really?” Luke said, perhaps a little too eagerly. Gabriel nodded,

“As long as you… your, um, on top,” now Gabriel was blushing, “I dunno what to do.” Luke couldn’t have asked for this to have gone any better,

“Of course,” he said, trying to contain his excitement. He saw the concern on Gabriel’s face and his expression turned more serious, “Don’t worry,” he soothed, “I’ll be really gentle.” Gabriel swallowed and nodded. Luke smiled and kissed Gabriel. After they broke apart, Luke positioned himself between Gabriel’s legs. Gabriel bit his lip as Luke slowly pulled Gabriel’s pants down. After Luke pulled Gabriel’s pants away from his ankles, he was able to take in the sight of Gabriel’s fully nude form, laid out before him. It was, without a doubt, the most beautiful thing Luke had ever seen. Luke looked his soon-to-be lover up and down, his eyes landing on Gabriel’s erection, which curled up, tip resting on his stomach. Luke couldn’t help but give it a few, quick strokes, causing Gabriel to moan loudly. Grinning, Luke stripped himself and grabbed a bottle of lotion he kept on his bedside table (usually used for more… solo acts). Luke ran his hands up the curves of Gabriel’s ass, causing the other to shudder. Luke coated his fingers with more lotion than he was likely to need and worked his first finger into Gabriel’s entrance. Gabriel wriggled a bit, trying to get used to the odd feeling. Luke slowly moved his first finger in and out of Gabriel before adding a second. Gabriel gasped at the slight pain. “Are you all right?” Luke asked. Gabriel thought for a second, then nodded,

“I’m okay. Keep going,” he said. Luke obliged, moving his fingers in a scissoring motion.

Luke was satisfied that Gabriel was ready after he took a third finger. Luke removed his digits and positioned himself. With a small grunt, he pushed inside. Gabriel worried his bottom lip with his teeth again, this time more from the pain than nerves. Luke took his time pushing inside. Gabriel was so tight, it seemed like it would be impossible to go any faster, anyhow. After another minute, Luke was completely inside of Gabriel. He stilled, waiting for Gabriel to adjust. He wanted so desperately to move. The warm, slightly moist flesh was squeezing his length oh-so-pleasantly and Luke felt if he didn’t get some friction, he might explode, and not in the good way. Yet, he stayed put for Gabriel’s sake. After what seemed like an eternity, Gabriel nodded the go ahead. Luke slowly withdrew and thrust back in. He moaned, relishing the feeling of Gabriel’s inner flesh sliding over his shaft. It was then Luke noticed Gabriel’s drooping erection and he grabbed it, pumping it in time with his thrusts, pulling delicious sounds from Gabriel’s throat. Gabriel’s mewls of pleasure spurred Luke on. He began to thrust faster as well as twist the fist stroking Gabriel’s shaft, causing Gabriel to yelp in pleasure. Then Luke changed his angle slightly to get better leverage, causing Gabriel to cry out loudly. Luke stopped what he was doing, and Gabriel groaned in frustration, “Did I hurt you?” Luke asked. Gabriel shook his head vigorously,

“No,” he croaked, “Good. It felt good. Please don’t stop.” Luke realized he must have hit Gabriel’s prostate and he began to thrust again. Gabriel moaned as Luke ruthlessly hit that spot inside of him over and over again. Gabriel’s muscles wound tight and he gripped the sheets on either side of him as his orgasm tore through him, causing him to spill his seed on both his stomach and Luke’s hand. The feeling of Gabriel clenching around him sent Luke over the edge. With a loud cry, he came, riding out his orgasm with a few last thrusts. With one last moan, Luke settled down on top of Gabriel, not trusting his ability to support his own weight. Gabriel immediately wrapped his arms around Luke. Luke sighed, contented. He stroked Gabriel’s hair, reveling in the afterglow.

“Did you enjoy that?” Luke asked. Gabriel nodded weakly, still hardly able to move. Luke grinned and kissed Gabriel lightly on the forehead,

“Good,” he said.

“Well, at least I know you didn’t rape him.” A cold voice said from the doorway. Both Luke and Gabriel’s heads snapped towards the door. Mary stood there, arms crossed, looking at them as she might look at scum on the bottom of her shoe. Gabriel struggled beneath Luke and Luke rolled off the bed. Gabriel scrambled to cover himself up. Luke wasn’t quite so panicked. He merely slipped his boxers back on and gave his mother a bored look,

“Of course I didn’t rape him. I’m not that much of a criminal.”

“Yet,” Mary said.

“Yet,” Luke agreed with a smirk.

“What’s his name?” Luke turned his head backwards to look at Gabriel, as if he wasn’t sure whom his mother was talking about. Gabriel looked back at him with wide eyes. Luke turned back towards his mother,

“I’d rather not say.” Mary scowled,

“If you don’t tell me. I’m going to call the cops. You’re underage.” Luke sighed,

“Peter. Peter Walker.” Mary glowered,

“The truth.”

“My… my name’s Gabriel, ma’am. Gabriel Gray.” Luke spun around when Gabriel spoke,

“Gabe…” he said in a worried tone. Mary looked a little surprised,

“You’re the Grays’ boy?” Gabriel nodded, biting his lip. Luke was beginning to wonder how the Grays had built up such a reputation without him knowing. “I better never see you around here again, Gabriel, or your mother will know just what happened tonight.” Luke suspected the only reason Mary didn’t call Gabriel’s mother now was because she was afraid of Virginia, but he didn’t voice his opinion. Now fully dressed, Gabriel slunk past Mary and headed for the front door. Luke ran after him. Mary tried to grab his shoulder to stop him, but Luke snarled, “Don’t touch me!” at her and continued after Gabriel. He grabbed Gabriel’s wrist right before he left the house. Gabriel looked at Luke in surprise,

“Huh?” he asked, misery evident in his voice.

“Don’t worry. She won’t tell. Don’t be upset.” Luke kissed Gabriel on the cheek, “Please?”
“I’ll… I’ll be fine. I’ll see you tomorrow at lunch, okay?” Luke nodded and watched mournfully as Gabriel left the house, closing the door behind him.

slash, luke, gabriel

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