Loyalty in the Face of Change Ch. 6

Mar 13, 2010 01:22

Title: Loyalty in the Face of Change
Chapter: Six: Delinquents
Author: chasepoke
Characters: Characters in Heroes, but mostly Luke and Gabriel/Sylar
Spoilers: Season 1 and beyond
Rating: R - NC-17
Warnings: Eventual violence and sex.
Summary: AU-ish. Luke and Gabriel attend the same High School back in the early 90's (which I'm guessing is when canon!Gabriel went to High School). The story follows their relationship throughout the years. I suppose the story will end when the series does. Wow, this summary sucks. Oh well, just read it.

Sorry this is so late. I've been busy. I won't wait a week this time. I'll just post the next chapter on Sunday, like usual.

Luke surveyed himself in the full-length mirror in his room. Black pants, black turtleneck, black beanie, and eye-black lines under his eyes. Sure, none of it was really necessary, but it was cool looking and Luke wanted Gabriel to get the full criminal experience. He grabbed the plastic shopping bag full of spray paint and Gabriel’s outfit and hopped out of his window.

It took a while to walk to Gabriel’s house. If he hadn’t been in such good shape, he probably wouldn’t have made it. He knocked on Gabriel’s window and waited. Gabriel had a confused look on his face when he opened the window, “Luke? What’re you doing here?”

“I’m gonna take you out. Remember?”


“Yes, now. When did you think I was gonna do it?”

“During lunch at school.” Luke laughed,

“What? In the middle of day? It’s cute how naïve you are.” Gabriel scowled and Luke tossed him his outfit, “Here, put these on.” Gabriel glanced at the garb before looking back up at Luke,

“Luke, I can’t. My mom will have a heart attack if she finds out I’m missing.”

“Is she a light sleeper?”

“No, but-”

“Then she won’t find out.”

“Yes she will.” Luke snorted,

“C’mon Gabe. What does she do? Check in on you in the middle of the night.” Gabriel went silent for a moment,

“…Yes,” he finally said. Luke felt a little uncomfortable now,

“Oh. That… sucks. Um, how often does she do it?” Gabriel shrugged,

“It depends. Some nights she does it once. Other nights she can do it up to ten times.”

“Jesus Christ. Okay, um, what does she do? Just poke her head in or actually comes up to you?”

“Just pokes her head in.” Luke grinned,

“Great. Just use the pillow trick.” Gabriel looked at him perplexed,

“What?” Luke sighed.

“Put a bunch of pillows under the covers so it looks like someone’s sleeping in the bed.”

“Will that actually work?”

“Sure.” Gabriel sighed,

“Alright.” He ducked his head back into the room and did as Luke told him.

“Okay. Now change.” Luke instructed. Luke fought the urge to watch Gabriel as he stripped and put on the matching outfit Luke had for him. Gabriel tapped Luke on the shoulder when it was okay for him to turn around.

“Um, do I really need this eye-black?” Luke nodded,

“Of course. It’s a criminal staple.” Gabriel huffed,

“You know, I don’t think I want to be classified criminal.” Luke groaned,

“Fine. It just looks cool. C’mon Gabe. It completes the ensemble.” Gabriel rolled his eyes,

“Fine.” Luke grinned,

“Awesome.” Gabriel spread the makeup under his eyes. Luke couldn’t decide whether Gabriel was more adorable in his usual clothes or in this outfit. Either way, Luke really had to resist the urge to jump him, “Okay. Let’s go.”

Luke led Gabriel to a more urbanized part of the city and gave him a can of spray paint, “Uh… what do I do?”

“You tag the buildings with it, of course.”

“Tag?” Luke face palmed.

“You know, you write on the buildings with the spray paint.”

“Oh… what do I write?”

“Well, anything you want really. But preferably something offensive. Observe.” Luke shook his can of spray paint and wrote ‘Bill Cliton.’ Luke turned back to Gabriel and bowed, “Tada.”

“You spelled ‘Clinton’ wrong.” Gabriel observed. Luke almost fell over,

“Oh, for- Gabriel! You’re hopeless.”

“What?!” Gabriel asked.

“Never mind. Just… you try.” Gabriel thought for a moment, turned to the wall, and wrote “Success is not the measure of a man but a triumph over those who choose to hold him back.” Luke groaned, “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“What? You got me thinking of Bill Clinton!”

“You can’t graffiti inspirational quotes! Especially not quotes from our current president!”

“You said I could write what I wanted…”

“Well, I didn’t think you be so bad at being bad.”


“It’s fine. You just need a little coaching. That’s all. Try writing something with an expletive in it.” Gabriel turned back to the wall, thought for a moment, and wrote ‘It's a damn poor mind that can think of only one way to spell a word!’ Luke sighed, “Is that another quote?” Gabriel nodded. “Okay, no more quotes. So, curse word and not a quote. Go.” Gabriel thought for a moment, then chuckled. He wrote ‘Luke’s an anal bitch when it comes to graffiti.’ “Hey!” Luke exclaimed. Gabriel laughed,

“Sorry. I couldn’t help it.” Luke tried to look angry, but it was hard to when he couldn’t stop grinning,

“Fine. Here,” Luke turned to his own section of the wall and spray painted ‘Gabriel sux’ to which Gabriel replied with ‘Luke sucks at spelling.’ Many insults later, the wall had been filled and both boys had run out of spray paint.

“You were right. That was pretty fun.”

“See. I knew you’d like being a delinquent.” Gabriel chuckled. “Now come on. That’s not all I have planned.” Luke grabbed Gabriel’s hand and tugged him along until they reached another area of the city. Luke led Gabriel to a quiet suburb and stopped in front of one the houses.

“Where are we?” Gabriel asked. Luke’s grin was devilish,

“Nick’s house.”

“What? How do you know where he lives?”

“Remember earlier, when I told you I had to pick something up in the attendance office?” Gabriel nodded, “Well that something was Nick’s school records. They listed his address.”

“Oh. So what’re we doing here?”

“Being delinquents.” Luke bent down and picked up a nice sized stone, “Here,” he said and handed it to Gabriel, “Throw it through the window.”


“Shhh! Go on. It’s okay.”

“No it’s not!” Gabriel loud whispered, “It’s destruction of property.”

“And you’re a delinquent. Do it.” Gabriel shook his head, “C’mon. Remember how much grief he’s caused you. Siccing his goons on you. Beating the crap out of you everyday. Causing you to get suspended.” Luke watched Gabriel’s fingers tighten on the rock, “Causing your mother to have to come to school.” Gabriel flung the rock. It smashed into the window and Luke heard it knock something over inside the house.

“Now what do we do?” Lights flicked on inside the house,

“Now we run!”

“What?” Luke grabbed Gabriel’s wrist and yanked him along as he ran. Then Luke heard what sounded like a car backfiring and realized that they were being shot at,


“Luke! We’re being shot at!” Gabriel’s voice was panicked.

“Just focus on running!” Luke yelped when he felt a bullet whiz past his head. They turned a corner and kept running until they were at least half a mile from Nick’s house. They collapsed beneath a tree, gasping for breath. Gabriel looked at Luke,

“Are you hurt?” Luke shook his head,

“Are you?”

“No.” They looked at each other and burst out in nervous laughter.

“Wow. That was exciting.”

“Thank God we’re alive.”

“I don’t think I want to do anything like that for a while.”

“Thank God we’re alive.”

“One of those bullets went right past my head.”

“Thank God we’re alive.” Luke watched Gabriel pant, face sweaty, hair a mess and glasses slightly askew.

“Are you okay?” Luke asked. Gabriel bit his lip and tried to slow his breathing,

“I don’t know. I think so.” Luke turned to sit facing Gabriel. He studied his friend who looked back at him puzzled, “What?” Luke didn’t answer. He was too busy trying to talk himself out of the decision he just made. Luke leaned forward, placing his hands on either side of Gabriel to keep his balance, “Luke?” Luke swallowed hard, closed his eyes, and crushed his lips to Gabriel’s.

slash, luke, gabriel

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