This is an open invitation, if you dont want to join me, thats cool. Starting this evening, I am doing a "Bible in one year" reading plan. Its not straight through, but actually goes chronological (so you read some of genesis, then job, then back to genesis, as well as jumping around in other areas).
If you want to join me, download the excel file I am linking to below. I figure this way if we are all reading together, we can consult each others if we have thoughts, questions, etc. If you comment and say you are going to do it, I will also make a special filter just for those joining me in this, so if I feel like posting anything about something I've read, you'll be able to read it, but those that don't want to join me, wont have to read it.
If you dont see this till after the 6th, you can still join up, either pick up on that day you start, or just read a bit extra at first till you catch up. Also, I am going to be reading through a daily devotional that my pastor gave me as a graduation present. This one is really good for using a seperate reading plan, because there are no verses tied into each devotional. Obviously you don't have to have a devotional if you are going to join me, but I just thought I would mention it in case I reference it in a future post
edit: If you don't want to join in, but would like to be on the filter anyway, let me know. I am gonna try and post at least a little something for each day, whether its right after, or before I read the next days sections.