button your collar and pull up those socks!

Feb 08, 2007 10:55

So in response to the last comment i got on my last entry about the... the last entry was in no way referring to myself by the way. Someone commented that i just need to follow the golden rule... a nice comment and true but i think a bit clichee and overabused.
Yes, i shouuld follow the Golden rule, i am not refuting that. Merely i am saying what is the Golden Rule? do you really know what you are refering to when you speak? to love your neighbor as yourself, right? right. but by saying the Golden Rule, do people even know what that is, or are they merely repeating a coloquialism of the white christian society of sunday school.
As Jay Pathak was saying, if you really tried to treat others as yourself you would realize:
1. That you couldn't do it
2.That deep down you really don't want to do it
It should bring you to your knees, only Jesus could enable a person to even attempt such a task.
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