Last weekend I went away for a few days and the most important bit of trip prep was setting up my laptop with alt.binz for Usenet access so that I COULD WATCH MAH WHO. And then when I went to
girlguidejones's place, I pimped out Eleven to her and we watched, like, half the season (I skipped Victory of the Daleks! look, I gave her all the episodes so she can watch later and I told her the two relevant plotty bits, but I really wanted to get to eps 4 and 5). We watched with sparkling wine on her deck in utterly perfect weather, actually slightly chilly weather as evening came and we soldiered on (really, I would not have pressed, but she was enthused! or said she was enthused and that was good enough for me...conversion, SCORE!), so we had to go inside and put on long pants and fleece jackets. Oh, that was a nice day. Except I kind of forget how often I get weepy about TV, especially this season of DW, and on the rare occasions when I watch with other human beings, I really have to try hard not to embarrass myself. Or in theory I *should* try not to embarrass myself, so I'll try to keep that in mind when
sekkie gets caught up on DW/Torchwood and is ready to come over and marathon Eleven episodes ;-) All part of my cunning plan to provide myself with loads of handy rewatch excuses.
This fannish energy is such a pleasure! And it feels so decadent to have the time to enjoy it. I don't know what I'll do with myself when this season ends. Oh, wait -- I'll start a new class, that's what I'll do. Degree won't finish itself.
But before that, I get to meet my new nephew, who arrived over Memorial Day weekend! \o/ Both of my sisters live in the same area at present, so there's lots of family to see and it should be a great trip.
Scent of the day: Guerlain Liu, a floral aldehyde that's described as being similar to Chanel No. 5, but softer and warmer and more wearable. I think that's accurate and I love this stuff (Chanel No. 5 Eau Premiere is the official Chanel "softer, easier to wear" version of No. 5 and I do like Eau Premiere, but Liu is even better).
Other things that I've run out of time to write full paragraphs about, in no particular order: sparkling wine (Mumm Napa Brut Prestige), retirement investments (obsessed with; HAVE I BECOME OLD, THEN?), saving up to build new vidding computer (scared to buy parts and assemble, but have become too picky to get what I want via customizing with Dell and also too cheap to pay for their markups) and Netflix (The Wire and MI-5/Spooks in rotation, whee, will be sad when I exhaust these two).