Vid rec: A Love That Won't Sit Still

May 27, 2010 12:21

A Love That Won't Sit Still (Fred Astaire/Ginger Rogers films) by icepixie  -- This vid combines source from multiple Astaire/Rogers films. Lots of dancing, as you'd expect! But I wouldn't call this a "dance vid" in the traditional sense because the dancing is really used as narrative here: the movement and body language tell a story of characters meeting, initial attraction, irritation, heartbreak and giddy, euphoric, whirling love. Since the plots of Astaire/Rogers films tend to be a bit similar, it really *is* possible to create a single narrative from collected source and the vidder does so beautifully. The vidder also makes great use of the peaks and valleys of the song (Stray Italian Greyhound by Vienna Teng -- lovely, lilting and a fab choice for this source). In a word, enchanting.

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