I feel like the cold is leaving me. It has turned into a slight cough, but at least I can breath out of my nose. Actually, it has been really nice not being able to smell anything, because I am tired of having the nose of a dog. It would be alright if every smell didn't make me nauseous.
More good news is that my computer spyware issues are finally fixed enough to use firefox in safemode. I can do EVERYTHING, including checking my mail and leaving comments. !!!!!
I would really like to get a new website running because I miss the webdesign world, especially now that myspace has taken over and personal websites are not as trendy. Project of the day will be to get a layout started. Maybe I will go with hippie flower child 70s feel. Simplicity is my goal since I haven't done this in awhile. Anyone who has ever seen my website knows that simplicity never flies with me, but I will try.
I'm not sure if I want my own domain again, or at least right away. The freedom of having one is nice, but I really don't have any money to blow right now. I think a host will suit me just fine. I'm also not sure if I want to stick with the name Absolute Silence. I still like it for the most part and people may recognize it, but maybe it is time for a change since I am starting with a blank slate with most everything else.
In closing: