Sep 07, 2006 08:40
Heh, I could always become a plasterer. Just to turn up in overalls with my hair in bunches and a lollipop hanging out of my mouth 'stead of a cigarette. It would be worth the early starts just for the weird looks I'd get.
So yeah, no news on the job front. Sending off application forms and applying for Job Seekers allowance at the moment, an exercise in annoying bureaucracy.
Had my first lesson for A2 Biology yesterday, it was really fun! This year's going to involve lots of extra work as while our teacher is lovely she's not the best at explaining exactly what we're supposed to know.
Note to self: The dance of joy is not appropriate for public places, especially not infront of a roomful of new classmates. *SHAME*
As for Uni, well I'm not applying this year. I'm going to leave it until next year when I will hopefully have more of an idea as to what I want to do instead of guessing.
Life is still crazy in my house as we still have neither a kitchen nor bathrooms (nor toilet seats! It's like being back in France). OMFG do I want a shower. I'm not too bothered about the kitchen at the moment as I have no appetite. Yesterday I had an apple, soup, a pitta bread and a piece of bread with honey. Not hungry this morning, haven't been hungry for going on two weeks now apart from occasional cravings. Very strange.
Everything? Urm... 42?
PS Why does Autumn always put me in a Harry Potter mood? Must be a psychological remnant of my school days or something. Wheeeeeeeee.
i can do it put your back in to it,
harry potter loving