Just a bunch of things floating around in my head that aren't enough to make up individual, interesting posts all by themselves.
1. I'm sick of this "I pick and eat boogers" shit that keeps leading people to my
Wordpress. I did, however, have a friend who ate them. When we were six. Grow up. They might be salty, but so are peanuts.
2. The spellcheck just told me I spelled "boogers" wrong. Also, spellcheck.
3. Words to say over and over again that turn to mush in your mouth after about 18 tries include: fetus, macadamia, hip, tootsie, and wicker. I can't really prove that, I'm just pulling that number out of my ass. Maybe I can get some searches for "fetus" going as well.
4. Conversations not to have with anyone:
(Paraphrased for convenience)
Them: I woke up at 4:30 this morning to a girl I know fucking this dude not 6 feet away from me.
Me: WTF.
Them: Yea. It pissed me off. I had to listen to that shit for two hours. Finally I just said 'fuck it' and got up, took some shots of Everclear, and passed back out.
Me: Two hours?...
5. I thought for sure I was going to overflow the toilet this morning.
6. Questions I've asked myself since I woke up:
- Where did my left hand go? (It fell asleep.)
- My man has bright green boxers. (Not a question, but I did ask myself why I thought of it; indirectly it counts. )
- Why do I still have that piglet-in-a-Santa-hat Christmas card still stuck on the fridge?
- Do I look good naked? (No.)
- Why do I ask myself dumbass questions?
7.This post sucks.