if this is the life why does it feel so good to die today? blue to gray... grow up and blow away

Jun 29, 2004 13:17

je ne sais pas pourquoi mais j'ai l'envie de pratiquer mon francais aujourd'hui. je pense que sais parce que je n'ai etudier rien depui une mois.. vraiement c'est seulement une semaine mais ca sens comme plus de temps. Serieusement, je pense que l'ecole me manque ou quelque chose fou comme ca. Peut etre j'ai bien hate de commencer l'onzieme annee, et ca c'est tout. Car vraiement, c'est stupide de dire que les profs et les devoirs et tous les horreurs de la secondaire me manque. Mais je croix que l'onzieme sera vien amusante; je prends les civilizations comparatifs, un cours qui sera le plus interessante de tous. Aussi, le literature englais, qui me plaiera baucoup. Et pourquoi je parle de l'ecole.. je croix maintenant que je sois malade ou quelque chose. haha.. non, je parlerai donc de l'ete. je n'ai rien a fair a ce moment parceque courtney est au coiffeure et jgp va chez jessica.. mon dieu j'espere qu'ils ne ferront pas quece que je pense qu'ils ferront. D'accord, je dois arreter. c'etait bon pour l'esprit je veux croire haha.


I am the opposite of you
You battle your mean spirit
I'm suffering through my own
You answer to no one
I don’t know what that’s like
I honestly don’t know what that’s like

We quit making out to attend this meeting
With old ladies on tremendous amounts of coke
And reeling, I hear my bad voice call
My wayward brain reels
My easily distracted brain reels

Head full of
Climbing mercury
Climbing mercury
Climbing mercury
Climbing mercury

I am a complement to you
We park in the shade
And somehow equate that with dealing
I hope I don't stomp on your heart
I know what that's like
Believe me, I know what that's like

Head full of
Climbing mercury
Climbing mercury
Climbing mercury
Climbing mercury

my fingers hurt so much from playing. stupid f chord i hate you. sigh.. well i learned mercury today which made me excited as it often does to learn something new. hehe ramble ramble. i really have nothing more to say because im doing nothing at all right now!! is summer supposed to be spent waiting for stupid friends to finish with thier little perks??.. aka jgp and a pedicure? k i was about to say whens the last time this shit happened to me? but ew. sadly and tragicly (not for the pedicure though) a guy did come to my house a bit ago.. eww i dont care to remember it but i guess my memorie's already screwed me over.
on to the next ramblesome topic. haha well i remembered geneva again and i know i shouldnt at all but i think i need to phone her. im scared though.. i hate her so much but do i really want to lose a friend over that idiot boy?.. but it really wasnt so much him, it could have been anyone!.. it was the fact that she started going out with him behind my back and got with him next to me!!.. argh gross i dont care to remember those times either. but honestly, should i phone her?.. i miss her honestly and i dont think its worth it to lose someone over jason.. even if it wasnt about him he was still in it and yeargh. hm. i started listening to her favorite song and then i was almost crying because i miss her so much. it hasnt been that long honestly.. hm maybe it has. no.. it happened in september. sigh. well hm.. ill post the lyrics just as a tribute and because its a milestone: the day i really start breaking down and caving into stupid stupid friendship.


In the bat of an eye...
You already think about yourself
And I don’t believe all the lies coming out of my mouth...
Try to forget all the things that I did to myself and in time I see it fading

One of these these things just doesn’t belong here
And look at that girl
Oh, I just don’t belong here
And look at that girl

Aphrodite tonight...
She’s lifting up her dress and child
Her stomach was so tight...
And she sees herself fading

One of these these things just doesn’t belong here
And look at that girl
I just don’t belong here
And look at that girl

And I’ll try to catch my own vibe
Leave behind the countryside
Who I’ll be?
What I’ll be, ’cause it’s my right to love design...

One of these these things just doesn’t belong here
And look at that girl
I just don’t belong here
And look at that girl (look at that, feel bad...)

Do lawyers have lawyers?
Do landlords have landlords? we're wondering
One more cheap suit in the loop, more chlorine in the pool
The blonde dolls smiling behind us
Say, one day you'll be just like us
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