Jun 18, 2004 14:51
The apple falls far from the tree
she's rotten and so beautiful
I'd like to keep her here with me
and tell her that she's beautiful
He'll never change he's just not there
He'll never say you're beautiful
Oh Vivica I wish you will I really do
sigh.. i feel like sand and water.. i smell like salt and shampoo. im in some kind of state of nonsensicle groggy depression. its like dulled down version of full out crying in a desert except i have no reason to be upset.. its really the heat and im just excusing it for being upset. i just need to be napped or something, but i refuse. its too hard. i tried, it didnt work. whatever..
i want to be this girl on the bus i saw.
she had died black hair .. and then she had these cool thick rimmed, sqaure black glasses and she looked really interesting. i look like an idiot. like a stupid, angry, bitch who thinks shes better than everyone. my friend saw me on the bus and she said i looked really intimidating or something. what is that?.. i swear its my eyebrows.. they make me look mad and all haugty like some idiot west side fuck who thinks shes above the rest of vancouver because her head has grown so big from being the only black girl on the west side and all the white girls wanna be her because theyre so mesmerized by black pop culture. to me, im white. i feel white, i look in the mirror and im surprised each and every morning. i dont fit myself and i honestly want to die sometimes, its so hard. i grew up totally white, my dad is so british and he was the only full black person i ever knew, besides my uncle. and all of my relatives are rich west van retired old architects.. i think about what other people think about me way to much to ever be happy with myself. maybe in university all of my friends will be what i want. but for now, i dont fit in where i want. im too tired to even make fun of myself for wallowing in self pity like an idiot. .. i need to shutup, im going to play zelda.