[picspam] a merlin pre!series casting

Jan 18, 2011 00:39

english It kinds of feels inappropiate to make an introduction to this, it's basically what the title says, one of those crazy things that me & thefrozenyogurt come up with, and it just keep pouring. If you follow me on tumblr, you might have seen different graphics about this, shipping, random text, etc, and also the original but smaller introduction to the whole cast (don't click if you wanna be surprised one by one here!). Anyway, I owe my girl there a bday present. I kind of didn't want to just make a dump post of tumblr graphics in here, and I felt like our babies deserved a better introduction. So... here it is :D (entry is both in english and spanish, so, the text is actually half of what it looks like)

español Que estamos locas, ya lo sabemos, y con estamos, me refiero a thefrozenyogurt y yo. Que si me siguen en tumblr ya conocen al cast, y los random gráficos que han salido gracias a ello. Me parecía que se merecían un post introductorio un poco más ordenado y serio aquí en livejournal, y no es como si nunca le haya hecho un regalo a la niña, so... deberá conformarse con esto. Espero que puedan seguirnos en nuestra locura ;D (la entrada está tanto en español como en ingles, así que la cantidad de texto es en realidad la mitad de lo que parece!)

nicholas hoult as uther pendragon
"When I was your age, I conquered Camelot. I didn't inherit this Kingdom, I won it. One day you'll be strong enough to take my crown, but not yet."

(english) uther was the last character of the ot4 we cast. it was followed by one of those moments where you go: why the hell didn't we think of this before, and that lead to very proud mamma smiles that lasted for days. nicholas had everything, the looks, the "evil" spark, the lovable smile. once we gave him the King Uther title, it stayed there, and I personally, can't look at him wearing a suit without my mind inmediately thinking of business!uther modern!au.

(español) de la ot4, uther fue el último que definimos. muchos pasaron por este puesto, y cuando llegó el momento, solo podíamso pensar como diablos no vimos eso antes (lo que a su vez llevo a muchas sonrisas de mamis orgullosas que duraron días). nicholas lo tiene todo, el aspecto para empezar, pero sobre todo, esa capacidad de hacerse querer y odiar al mismo tiempo, esa chispa que tiene uther, y por eso, el título de rey de camelot es suyo.

imogen poots as igraine (de bois) pendragon
"When I last held you, you were a tiny baby. I remember your eyes. You were staring up at me. Those few seconds I held you were the most precious of my life."

(english) this is summed up in: adorable + cute + regal looking. she was also a pretty late casting of the ot4 and she just felt, like nicholas, as perfect for the role. it was one of those suggestions that you simply say: that's it. it's her. and there she stayed, with her crown and her tragic future.

(español) esto se resumen en: adorable + esa presencia de realeza. también fue tardía en el casting de la OT4 pero simplemente supimos, como con nicholas, que era perfecta para el papel de igraine. una de esas sugerencias que simplemente dices: es ella. y allí quedó, con su corona y su trágico futuro.

felicity jones as nimueh
"Haven't you? You began this war when you threw me from the court and slaughtered all of my kind"

(english) felicity was the complete opposite (for me). thefrozenyogurt suggested her from the start and yet it took me a while to say: YES. casting a young nimueh meant we embraced the theory that nimueh didn't look the same back then, she could have been blond or redhaired or bold for all we know. It took a while for me to say YES SHE IS, even thought thefrozenyogurt kept insisting that the part was hers. by the time we had defined the other three, I couldn't think of anyone else. even if we could have gone anywhere, felicity ended just feeling right.

(español) felicity fue todo lo contrario (sobre todo para mi). fue la primera sugerencia que hizo thefrozenyogurt, cuando aún todo el cast y la idea estaba en pañales y a mi me tomó muchisimo tiempo decir: si, es ella. elegir una versión joven de nimueh significa aceptar la teoría de que nimueh no lucía igual entonces, y por lo que sabemos, bien podría haber sido rubio, pelirroja o calva. a pesar de las insistencias de mi niña, me tomó un tiempo aceptar que felicity era nimueh. para cuando la ot4 se completó, me parecia imposible pensar en otra. aunque podríamos haber tomado cualquier dirección, felicity simplemente era la correcta.

eddie redmayne as gaius
(merlin) "Do you think you can... command such magic?"
(gaius) "There was a time when I could. I just hope I haven't forgotten."

(english) eddie + magic should be more than enough reason for this. it's not. even if you don't believe me i spent hours looking at everybody for any sort of resemblance with their "older" versions. we also spent hours thinking as to why and such even if, being honest, the suggestion was the most random and joking one. this, for me, was one of those cases. there's something exquicite in the way eddie usually portraits quietness, there's always something, and for someone as gaius, he just seemed perfect. we could picture him, learning his physsics, learning magic, standing by uther, and most of all, eddie wanted to be on our casting, who were we to say no?

(español) eddie + magic debería ser más que suficiente excusa, pero no es la única razón. más allá de que eddie quizo estar en nuestro casting (pasando por diferentes papeles) desde el principio, no podíamos dejar pasar esa esquicitez que tiene eddie para interpretar personajes calmos y silenciosos, y por alguna razón nos aprecía fascinante para gaius. además, cabe notar, que no lo he dicho hasta ahora, pero aunque no me crean, pasé horas mirando fotos de versioens jovenes y actuales buscando similitudes y diciendo si y no. eddie simplemente llegó para quedarse y quienes somos para negarnos? plus: gaius + pecas = awesome, y/y?

carey mulligan as alice
"But, Gaius, healing is my only gift. It is my living. I must buy food, I must pay rent."

(english) this was another one of those inspired choices. it went kind of like this: (me) OMG OMG OMG CAREY SHOULD BE ALICE CAREY SHOULD BE ALICE !! (frozen) what? (me) alice, carey can be alice ÑASÑALS OMG OMG CAREY ALICE PLEAAAAAAAAASE. (frozen) o.o ok. i like. ok. she can be alice. Anyway, I'm pretty sure I wasn't even looking for Alice when I found Carey in my way and things mostly happen like described above but the real reason was that small pixie carey reminded me for some reason of alice, and the idea of her smile while playing around with magic and healing potions was just to much to let it pass. i'm getting chattie. oops

(español) esta fue otra de esas inspiraciones, para ser más exactos, la conversación fue algo así: (yo) OMG OMG CAREY TIENE QUE SER ALICE CAREY ALICE CAREY OMG !! (frozen) qué? (me) alice, casting, carey tiene que ser alice. (frozen) o.o oh gusta ok. Poniendonos serios (ja, claro), ni siqueira estaba buscando a Alice cuando me cruce con Carey, e inmediatamente su imagen de cosita pequeña tipo hada adorable (lol) me hizo acordar a Alice y la idea de Alice de joven con la sonrisa de Carey sonriendo mientras hace magia o prepara pociones fue demasiado como para dejarlo pasar.

claire foy as hunith
"I beg you, if you understand a mother's love for her son, keep him safe and may God save you both."

(english) i wish there was much I could say about this, but i think pictures speak best in my defense. i don't even know how i reached her, by the time we started casting the rest of the cast - meaning everyone beside the ot4 - hunith and balinor where the first task. we started using every resource we could to search for actors/actresses, so i can't really tell how it happened, but once it did, there was not use on looking for more. to see the response people at tumblr ahd to her casting and balinor's (see next point) was what in the end kept pushing us to cast everybody and not leave a soul behind ♥

(español) no hay mucho que peuda decir de claire, creo que la imagen dice más de lo que yo pueda decir. ni siquiera puedo recordar como llegamos a ella, luego de la ot4, hunith y balinor fueron el siguiente paso, y allí fue donde sacamos nuestras armas pesadas y revolvimos cielo y tierra para elegir a nuestros niños. pero una vez que claire llego, allí quedó. el entusiasmo que recibieron tanto ella como el casting de balinor (ver siguiente punto) terminó de empujarnos a encontrar el cast completo de la generación ♥

ben barnes as balinor
"You don't choose to become a Dragonlord, it's not something you're taught. It's a sacred gift. For thousands of years, it's been handed down from father to son. "

(english) this was utter destiny. (this and nicholas as uther are the only ones i dare to call like that). it was also a random inspiration, looking for random people, trying to find someone, i found ben all beardy and when BALINOR. I went and said that to frozen, her reply was: IM GOING TO SEE NARNIA NOW OMG. her reply when she came back was: BEN IS BALINOR. That's it. Do I really need to add anything more? I didn't think so :D.

(español) esto fue el destino (y solo ben y nicholas son a los que me atrevo a llamar así). fue también una inspiración random, que no sé ni como llegué a él, pero se lo comenté a frozen (tecnicamente la stalkee para poder decirselo) y su respuesta fue VOY A VER NARNIA AHORA. Su respuesta a la vuelta fue BEN ES BALINOR. Es necesario agregar algo más? Eso creí :D

david oakes as aredian
"Well, let's hope I am not too late, hmm? For every hour counts in the war against sorcery. Unchecked, it spreads like a disease. It seeks out the young and the old, the weak and the able, the fair and the foul of heart alike. You have grown lazy, Uther."

(english) to see the pillars of the earth and not think david oakes made a great job on william would be a serious mistake. if someone could then play sadistic!aredian, then, it would be him, and tho his more clean look doesn't really fit, there's enough material in pillars not to care about that. to see a raging aredian during the purge with david in charge of him, that'd be nice ;D (in a not so nice way, but, you understand ;D).

(español) ver pilares y no ver que david oakes hizo un muy buen trabajo como william sería un error (a pesar de que el resto le hagan un poco de sombra). si alguien entonces pudiera representar al sádico de aredian, es él. y aunque su look más limpio no pega, hay suficiente material en pilares como para que no importe. imaginar a david haciendo de un rabioso aredian durante la purga (?) sería interesante :D

andrew garfield as geoffrey of monmouth
(merlin) I'm sort of in a hurry.
(geoffrey of monmouth) Yes, you young people always are.

(english) this is all thefrozenyogurt fault. i don't remember for *who* she suggested him but i went inmediately "uhm no", but kept staring at one of his picture and went all "uhm, he could be geoffrey" and then frozen kind of suggested it to and i went I WAS SO ABOUT TO SAY YOU THAT. And I couldn't unsee it anymore. I actually can't, and every time I see him anywhere I go GEOFFREY (which has lead to some very awesome new crack pairings and OT3!). I have to admit that probably has to do with me not having seen barely much from him (SHAME ON ME, I KNOW) but he just will be my geoffrey forever. period. (yeah, no reasons, just, enjoy it~~ XD)

(español) esto fue todo culpa de frozen. ni siqueira recuerdo para quien lo sugirió y yo "uhm no", pero me quedé mirando fotos y toda "uhm, podría ser geoffrey" así como random y sin sentido y entonces va la otra boba y se pone en sintonía conmigo y me dice ¿geoffrey? Y YO QUE OBVIAMENTE me agarré a la oportunidad. Luego de eso, no he podido dejado de verlo, y cada vez que veo algo de Andrew mi mente grita GEOFFREY (al punto que ha dado varias interesantes nuevas crack!ships y OT3). Voy a admitir, corriendo el riesgo de ser asesinada, que probablemente tenga qeu ver con que no he visto mucho de él previamente (UNA VERGUENZA, LO SÉ), pero creo que será mi geoffrey por siempre. punto y aparte. (so, si, razón alguna, disfruten~~ XD).

daniel kaluuya as gwen's dad, tom
I know. I've been a fool. I just wanted to make a better life for us. For you. I wanted to make you happy.

(english) this was one of the last casting we made (ok, aredian was the absolute last one, but that was easier). casting gwen's parents was really *hard*, we had other choices, but their ages where no fitting to the rest of the cast, adn eventually we just went here and liked it :D

(español) los padres de gwen fueron de los últimos que decidimos (aredian fue el último per se!) y fue realmente *dificil* teníamos otras opciones que descartamos, mayormente por un tema de edades, que no les permitían corresponderse con el resto, pero finalmente nos decidimos por daniel, y nos agrado :D.

antonia thomas as gwen's mom | My mother was a maid in Sir Leon's household. We grew up together.

tom sturridge as gorlois | Your father was the greatest man I've ever known. He stood for everything this kingdom represents. Truth, justice, valour. A hundred times he saved my life on the battlefield. His courage and his honour were without equal.

tamsin egerton as vivian | It was whilst Gorlois was away fighting in the Northern Plains. Her mother...Vivian... grew lonely.

alex pettyfer as tristan de bois | Uther won. But in his dying breath, Tristan cursed Camelot to one day suffer his return. I thought it was the ramblings of a dying man.

(english) and here we kind of took our liberties, and just focused on the general points we had considered :D which leads to...
(español) y aquí nos tomamos ciertas libertades y simplemente consideramos los puntos generales que veníamos tomando. lo que lleva a...

general points we considered while casting the pre!series generation

· age (edad)
at first glance, that might seem like something we didn't do, we know the differences don't really hold to the reality of, per example, uther and gaius, but we tried to maintain that difference and those who were younger, tried to go for younger people and those who where older, for older people, which it wasn't easy and we did took some liberties (specially considering eddie is a fucking real life dorian gray) as, per example, with ben barnes/balinor.

(aunque sabemos que a simple vista no parece que nos hayamos preocupado, lo hicimos, y honestamente, lo primero que miraba antes de decir si o no era la fecha de nacimiento. no fuimos estrictas de respetar la diferencia real que existe entre ash!uther y richard!gaius, por ejemplo, pero si mantener el hecho de que *hay* una diferencia. actores más jovenes para personajes más jovenes y actores más grandecitos para personajes más grandecitos. aunqeu cierto es que también nos tomamos libertades cuando necesario - sobre todo considerando que eddie es un dorian gray de la vida real, the bastard - y por ejemplo, ben/balinor fue una de esas ocasiones).

· britishness (origen de las islas~~ XD)
this.completely.without.liberties. thefrozenyogurt would have killed me if not, rite bb?.

(regla #1, inquebrantable)

· looks (aspecto)
we don't mean prettiness (tho, aren't they all like beautiful~~ IT HAPPENED OK, IT JUST DID, ask merlin, he knows about that kind of things!). we mean resemblance, we mean actual similarities in their faces, which was hard and complecated and sometimes you could see it in a picture and not in the other or there was just ONE picture that worked and the rest didn't. example picture of both version of ot4 looking similiar, or the best we could find.

(aunque pueda parecer que nos referimos a que sean todos unos guapos de puta madre - que lo son, los malditos - en realidad, hablamos de el parecido o no parecido que pudieran tener con sus versiones en el presente canon. esto muchas veces nos tiró para atrás y muchas veces para adelante y a veces lo veíamos en una foto pero no en otras. ejemplo de busqueda de similitudes de la ot4 entre preseries y actualidad.)

· shippiness (shippeabilidad)
well, what it says there. it might seem a bit shallow but we couldn't like go and ask them to do any kind scene together to see if there was chemestry, but for two people like as, me a multishipper, both crack!shippers, both lovers of the pre!series huge orgy of love, this was kind of important. everybody had to fit with everybody. (gwen's mom and dad is a good example of this point :D).

(basicamente, lo que dice allí. puede que parezca un poco superficial, pero como no podíamos pedirles que nos interpretaran una escena para ver si había química... para dos personas como nosotras, multishippers, crack!shippers y amantes de la gran orgía de amor del preseries, era medio importante. todos tenían que encajar con todos (los papis de gwen son un buen ejemplo de este punto)).

· no kids (no niños)
this was a conclution we came to after we thought, no, this is impossible. we wanted to get at least morgause, as she would be the oldest, but in the end decided that it was too hard to actually find someone that would fit everything and be around the age we were looking. in the end, we concluded that should we need the kids for graphics and such, we would end using random kids stock photos (ha ye!)

(a esta conclusión llegamos luego de que vimos que no, esto era imposible. queríamos al menos tener a morgause, que sería la mayor, pero al final decidimos que sería muy complicado encontrar a quien cumpliera todos nuetrso criteriso y que de necesitarla/os para haer graficos recurririamso a las miles de fotos de stock de random niños ;D)

· that's it (eso es todo)

epilogue (epílogo)
(english)probably there's more points and way more things to say, but i don't want to bore anybody (anymore) and anyway, i can't remember most of it. i hope you enjoyed it :D and that it might have inspired some of you awesome people to give me more pre!series in the future. thankyouverymuch. i will probably be posting this on tumblr myself during the week, and I'd appreciate if you didn't respot anything without asking first :D give me preseries /end subliminal message. Thanks for reaching this far ♥

(español)probablemente haya más puntos en realidad, que no recuerdo en su mayoría y de todas maneras creo que ya les he aburrido lo suficiente. espero que les haya gustado :D y que los haya inspirado a darme más pre!series en el futuro. muchasgraciasdenada. seguramente los estaré poniendo en tumblr en los siguientes días, agradecería qeu si quieren repostear algo me dijeran primero :DD denme preseries!! /fin del mensaje subliminal Gracias por llegar hasta aquí.

bb thefrozenyogurt:
happy belated birthday. this is not exactly the best present, but there's no way i can thank you for sharing this with me, for making it awesome and so lol and full of omgs and yeyes and alskalskalsaks. i love you ♥ thanks for being the nimueh to my igraine

the usual:
Please, do not edit, hotlink or repost ♥
Hope you liked it ♥

!presents, *graphics: picspam, tv: merlin

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