[picspam] la celeste~

Aug 12, 2010 17:21

english Lately it feels like I post once in a while, anyway. I have had this in my files for some days already but for one reason or another hadn’t posted it before~ But since we already had our first friendly post-wc, it seemed like I should post or this will become VERY OLD. I’m pretty sure there’s gonna be a lot of rambling inside of this, so, I’ll make it short here :D (soon, I hope to be bringing icons~) [ps: if you are interested, you should check: fuckyeahceleste, musleradaily & diegolugano ♥)

español aunque parece que posteara una vez cada tanto, sigo aquí. He tenido esto guardado por varios días, y por una razón u otra no lo he posteado, pero habiendo pasado el primer amistoso, el mundial parece quedar en el pasado y esto se volverá demasiado viejo, así que aquí está. Habrá mucha cosa random adentro, estoy segura, así que no me alargaré aquí (espero tener icons pronto :D). [pd: fuckyeahceleste, musleradaily, diegolugano]

This was supposed to be an excuse to picspam los celestes in suits. Somewhere in between my massive collective of pictures and sitting down with photoshop to do it, I got an idea. I wanted something more, Nací Celeste (I was born Skyblue) it’s both a poem of sorts and a song from one of the sponsors of the NT. And it’s a FUCKING GREAT SONG. It sums up, imho, a lot of what La celeste and being Celeste means. And probably why this makes the 4th place so important for us, and why mostly, these ~kids~ have become role models and inspiration for a whole country. So, I kind of decided to combine both ideas, so that this picspam was just a bit more.

This is not the song, this is the ~talked~ part of the Ads. I’ll put the lyrics in English on top of the image :D Translation bluntly stolen from fuckyeahceleste and might add something once in a while in between ♥ I hope you enjoy it and gives you a bit of an inside to this gorgeous, pretty, lovable team~

Esto no era más que una simple excusa para picspammear a mis niños de traje. En algún momento entre la recolección masiva de imágenes y el acto de ponerme a editarlas en photoshop, tuve una idea. Quería algo más. Nací Celestela Celeste y ser Celeste significan. Y probablemente, porque ser 4tos significa lo que significa y porque este grupo de muchachos se han convertido en modelos a seguir e inspiración para todo un país. Así que decidí usar ambas cosas, para que el picspam fuera simplemente, un poquito más ♥.

En definitva, utilice las frases del recitado para hacer el picspam, la traducción en ingles estará fuera de las imágenes y seguramente agregaré algún comentario aquí o allá. Espero que lo disfruten y que les de un poquito de idea sobre este querido equipo~

I was born with my heart tied to my shoes.

I was born pushed by the greatness of my elders.

I was born cradled by football.

I was born in a place where a lot (of girls) are called Victoria (victory) and other Celeste

I personally love the double meaning of this quote. Personally, is one of the parts I love the most about it, true to be told. We know many girls got called Victoria, Celeste or even Victoria Celeste (Celeste Victory!) during this World Cup. But I also like the hidden meaning, my interpretation of it, the way it just applies in many ways to Uruguay’s Victory. There’s a phrase that says “el que quiera Celeste, que le cueste” that basically reflects on the fact that we like winning when everything is against us and in the last minute and with problems. So, basically I like the idea that some victories are just that, but some are more special, some are celestes and some, might not even be victories at all (ned-uru, for example) and yet, still feel like that. ♥

Si hay algo que me gusta de esta frase es su doble significado, algo que nadie logrará sacarme nunca. Porque podrá referirse a como muchas niñas reciben el nom bre de Victoria o Celeste en este país (incluso Victoria Celeste, y confirmado durante este mundial el de Gloria Celeste). Pero para mí, esta frase nunca dejará de ir más allá de eso. Quizás sea una interpretación personal, pero donde se escuchan frases como “el que quiera Celeste que le cueste” o “nos gusta ganar con todo en contra” uno ve que hay algo~ La idea de que algunas son simplemente victorias, y otras son más que eso, son celestes creo que representa muchisimo lo que es la selección en Uruguay. He incluso, los casos donde quizás no son victorias (holanda-uruguay, por ejemplo) pero que se sienten como tales ♥

I was born in a country where football makes it bigger and behind football, the soul gets greater.

Fundación Celeste

I was born in a world that awarded us with glory.

I was born with history.

feat. Uruguay NT 1930 & 1950 world cup winners + First WC stadium~

I was born drinking the harsh cup of defeat and enjoying the sweetness of victory.

I was born with the yell of "goal" between my teeth.

I was born dreaming that a group of friends could move a country and unsettle (in a good way) the world

I was born screaming Uruguay nomá (go Uruguay!)

I was born dreaming that this day would come.

I was born Celeste.

Yo, vids~~

image Click to view

& the song:

image Click to view

translation here (also, lol forlan looking very much a kiddie~~ XD).

Please, do not edit or repost ♥
Hope you liked it ♥

other: football, *graphics: picspam

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