[picspam] Lost 6x17/18 The End. SPOILERS.

May 28, 2010 23:33

english I seem to keep picspaming finales. I'll try to do icons next, though, RL might get in the way, however, here it is, my little tribute to Lost ♥ You should avoid it if you don't want to be spoiled ;DD. (((LOST)))

español y parece que está en mi picspamear finales, supongo que lo próximo si serán icons, si es que el resto de mis actividades me lo permiten. De todas formas, aquí está mi pequeño tributo para Lost ♥ Deberían evitarlo si no quieren spoilearse. (((LOST)))

ETA: I usually post everything (or parts of everything) in my tumblr, this one is here

Credit & comments are ♥
Please, do not edit or repost ♥
Hope you liked it ♥

tv: lost, warn: spoilers, *graphics: picspam

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