[picspam] legend of the seeker season finale

May 22, 2010 23:56

english i don't think there are words that can express how much I love this show, how much i believe it to be epic, how much i hate to believe it's gone for good, but even if we don't succeed, this has been an amazing aventure, an incredible story and I love it ♥

So, when I decided to make this picspam, i realized I just didn't have anything to say, or maybe, I had TOO much to say, but the show had it all in there, so, I decided to spam the pretty of this last episode. However, IT IS FULL OF SPOILERS and if you value your life and good tv you will avoid it until you have watched it (WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?) because if there's something this show does right is epic amazing finales.

español no hay palabras para expresar mi amor por esta serie, cuan epica creo que es, cuanto odio creer que se ha terminado, pero aún así, si no logramos traerle de vuelta, ha sido un camino innolvidable, una increible historia que amaré siempre ♥

cuando decidí hacer el picspam me di cuenta que no podía decir mucho, o que quizás tenía tanta cosa para decir que me sobraban las palabras y he optado por ir a los simple, a lo básico, y dejar que la belleza de este show lo dijera todo. les advierto que si aprecian su vida o la buena televisión y aún no han visto el epi, se mantengan lejos porque está LLENO DE SPOILERS y si hay algo que sabe hacer bien esta serie son los finales de temporada.



This show is the most pretty thing ever. Just looking at the caps make me go gah. And then we add things like Kahlan getting confessed, Kahlan going Con-dar, Zedd & Cara teaming up, Cara hesitating, Richar being blinded and guided by the Keeper, a very creepy kid, awesome scenery, Verna and gorgeous Nicci, and you just know, you just know this is what this show does best. ♥

May the spirits be with you ♥

Credit & comments are ♥
Please, do not edit or repost ♥
Hope you liked it ♥

tv: legend of the seeker, warn: spoilers, *graphics: picspam

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