[icons] merlin :: all ships - batch #3

Mar 19, 2010 21:33

english Here is another batch from the merlin shippy icons~~ Hopefully (i'd better!) I'll have the last one next monday :DDD I just thought I'd post some of them now and leave the rest for when I finish them all :DD the post is not exactly in order, :( sorry about that.

español Otra batch de iconos :DDDDD Espero para el lunes tener la última o me matarán en la comm y me dejarán fuera y ya han sido suficientemnt buenas conmigo, pero quería ir posteando algo de lo que llevo para que no se me acumule :D
14 ships, 28 icons + 21 variations/rejected
For: merlinicons100
Subject: Ships | All
Batch: #3 - 43-70
Table: ongoing
Ships: nimueh/freya, morgana/mordred, merlin/will, alvarr/redhead, nimueh/gaius, merlin/gwen, lady helen/uther, william/morgana, uther/gaius, morgana/nimueh, nimueh/merlin, gaius/hunith, uther/arthur, alvarr/morgana
Themes: alone, alphabet, colourful, dark, eyes, friendship, fun, laughter, light, magic, smile, together, touch, warm



(spoilers up to 2x11)

.01-04 alone, alphabet, colourful, dark

.05-08 eyes, friendship, fun, laughter

.09-12 light, magic, smile, together

.13-16 touch, warm

without theme










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comm: merlinicons100, warn: spoilers, warn: femslash, warn: slash, *graphics: icons, tv: merlin

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