[icons] merlin :: all ships - batch #2

Mar 16, 2010 18:11

english look who's here ! i'll probably be spamming you this week, but I'll bring icons in between the spam? :d I'm kind of running against the clock for my merlinicons100. Already on an extension, but I seriously need to finish this little project of mine, whatever the cost XD. Anyway. more shippy icons today :DDD (obviously, more to come, and also, some ltos & primeval in the near future :D!).
español miren quien llegó ! no creo que eso sea bueno, porque significa que estaré spamemandoles en estas semanas, con los escritos que anduve haciendo por ahí y nunca puse allí e icons y esas cosas XD. por ahora vengo corriendo contra el tiempo para terminar la tabla de 100 icons, y aunque tengo más prontos, decidí postear estos para que el post no me llevara años de armar. JEJE.
PROMO DESCARADA: barcosraros está teniendo una regata de fanworks y espero que todo el mundo vaya. Also, por si alguien que pertenece a lamarca se lo ha perdido: crea tu tercera tempo.
15 ships, 30 icons + 24 variations/rejected
For: merlinicons100
Subject: Ships | All
Batch: #2 - 13-42
Table: ongoing
Ships: arthur/gwen, morgana/leon, morgana/gwen, gwen/william, merlin/william, leon/william, morgana/tauren, merlin/freya, merlin/arthur, morgause/igraine, arthur/lancelot, leon/merlin, merlin/dragon, merlin/lancelot, morgause/arthur
Themes: face, triumph, words, lyrics, hush, love, fight, destiny, concern, green, water, silence, hope, despair, calm



(spoilers up to 2x10)

.01-04 face, triumph, words, lyrics

.05-08 hush, love, fight, destiny

.09-12 concern, green, water, silence

.13-15 hope, despair, calm

without theme










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comm: merlinicons100, warn: spoilers, warn: femslash, warn: slash, *graphics: icons, tv: merlin

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