[picspam] merlin & legend of the seeker :: random comparision

Jun 28, 2009 11:33

english >> Yesterday I finished watching Legend of the Seeker (♥) and decided it was about time I made a picspam for picspammy challenge: compare & contrast. I Had it in my mind since I started watching LotS and well. Here it is.

español >> Ayer terminé de ver Legend of the Seeker (♥) y decidí que era hroa de hacer este picspam que tengo en mente desde hace ratooo. Así que, aquí está. ♥

Spoilers for practically complete series of both shows.
Specially in the notes. (Merlin 1x10 - Legend 1x21 I think)

the warriors

english: both Arthur & Richard are great warriors and have a way with swords. They both have a thing for opened shirts. Though, Richard is able to take care of lots of oponents at the same time, while Arthur has his way of just looking extremelly smoking and.... expert with his hands at it. lol.
español: Tanto Arthur como Richard son excelentes.... peleadores y tienen una manera especial con espadas (y artilujios). Ambos usan remeras/ropa con escotes interesantes XD y hasta tienen una cadena de indole similar. Mientras que Richard es capaz de encargarse de varios cotnroicantes al mismo tiempo, Arthur muestra una habilidad particular en su movimiento de muñeca :DD XD

magic eyes

english: something that gets me hooked inmediately are eyes that change colours. IDK. I just like it. And both Merlin & Kahlan have awesome eyes that actually come with the expression of their power which are gorgeous and just. LOOK EYES ♥
español: Algo tienen los ojos que siempre suelen atraparme, sobre todo cuando cambian de color y son muestra de magia, como es el caso tanto de Kahlan como de Merlin. Simplemente preciosos ♥

magic swords

english: The Sword of truth it's really pretty, though I pretty much prefer excalibur. They are both swords done for their specific users, and though SoT has no power in other people hands, Excalibur in the wrong hands could bring just evil. Take me up, cast me away They are both made in some way of old magic :DDD
español: La importancia que tienen las espadas en estas series es indudable, ambas son espadas mágicas, hechas de magia antigua en diferente formas. Están destinadas solo para el uso de los heroes, pero en el caso de la Espada de la Verdad esta tiene cero poder en las manos de otros, mientras que Excalibur no debe caer en las maos incorrectas o podría desatarse malas cosas.

witches and ponds

english: Though pretty similar in looks, they act completely appart. Nimueh was once a 'good' witch (or so we can guess) but has now been corrupted by vengance. She uses her magic-thing-with-water to see things that are actually happening. Shota in the other hand, just lives for her own profit, but it's pretty badass herself, and in her magic-thing-with-water she can se the future.
español: Aunque esteticamente tienen mucho que ver, em remito a los hechos mostrados a continuación, en trasfondo son bastante diferentes. Nimueh es 'mala', una vez entre los buenos, ahora corrompida por el deseo de venganza. En su fuentecita (lol) puede ver cosas que están pasando. Por otro lado, a Shota le importa si misma y sus beneficios, no es ni buena ni mala, actúa para si y su propia fuentecita le sirve para ver el futuro :DD.

magic books

english: Ok, this comes out of nowhere, both bokks need to be prtected for seriously different reasons and the book of shadows is definetely more important than the book of magic Gaius gaves Merlin and has different simbology in the story, I still find it incredible lovely that they actually need this guidance from something that has nothing to do with them even with all their strengh and power within. /random. LOL. {{gratuitous Kahlan is gratuitous}}
español: Esto es nomás porque si, y porque si comparé a Richard con Arthur también había que hacerlo con Merlín. XD Las funciones y la importancias de ambos libros es totalmente diferente, pero es curioso como ambos, con todo el potencial que ya tienen necesitan de algo escrito para ser guiados, sin contar que ambos libros siendo encontrados por las malas gentes trae caos consigo. (diferentes, pero aun así!).

& heroes reading

english: Also, they both keep reading it all night to find the answers they need ♥
español: Y además, ambos pasan la noche leyendo buscando las respuestas que necesitan para sus problemas :DD

head off

english: In Merlin this happens quite... oftenn and it's directed towars people who use magic, and has not been stopped yet. In LotS, however, we have only seen it once (and it's because of treason against Rahl) and it was stopped by Richard :D However, both Richard and Merlin getting into new city to find that someone's head is goign to be chopped kind of scene was really similar. until the moment where Richard actually DID sth to prevent it.
español: La cantidad de veces que vimso esta escena en particular en LotS es contada a una y con resultados favorables para la víctima, en Merlin... no tanto. En un caso es por conspiración contra Rahl y en el otro por el uso de ~~magia~~. Sin embargo, la idea del heroe llegando a ciudad nueva (con todo lo que significa para ambos) y encontrandose con este suceso es particularmente similar hasta el momento donde Richard SI actua para detenerlo y no gira la cara como Merlin..

it's a bird! oh... no it's not

english: Water seems to be a pretty ~secure~ place to hide things apparentely. Both magical objects. Both dangerous in the wrong hands. Also, for such skinny bodies they manage to send them quite high in the air.
español: Los lagos son el lugar más seguro del mundo (vayan a gaurdar sus ahorros en el fondo de un estanque gente! XD!). Ambos objetos mágicos, peligrosos en las manos equivocadas y tirados por dos flacuchos que obviamente tienen superfuerza escondida en algun lado para ahcerles llegar tan alto y lejos ~~ XD

wet boys (o pato al agua)

english: We get definetely more wetness in LotS, and this be not Richard's best. BUt for the sake of comparision, here they are. Oh those heroes, always trying to save something/somebody. (I just liked the water scenes, what?!)
español: No las mejores tomas de Richard (quien parece feliz de zambullirse constantemente - contrario a la ducha en balde de Merlin XD!) pero por el bien de la comparación, he aquí a dos jovenes heroes tratando de salvar el día o al principe en su debido caso XD.

run forrest run

english: Bad joke for tittle, but, here are Kahlan & Merlin trying to save their loved ones the heroes of the lands :DDD It's always about saving, you see?
español: Chiste tonto para el título, pero inevitable. Kahlan & Merlin corriendo para salvar a los grandes amores de su vida. los salvadores del mundo.

those little angels

english: There are so many kids in LotS that it was really hard to choose, but I think this two are the ones that affected the plot the most~ Also, the ones I liked the most~ Rachel ♥ In Merlin we only got one kid, who is pretty much awesome, and does the ~~creepy look~~ quite excelent in my opinion. So, he is worth of two. AND YES. RANDOM COMPARISION as they have nothing to do with each other. But Kids ~~~~ ♥
español: En LotS hay tantos niños como episodios, y a cual mñás adorable. Estos dos son msi favoritos, y los que a mi entender tuvieron más relevancia en si mismos para la trama~~ Also, Rachel ♥ En Merlin en cambio solo tenemos a Mordred, pero ese niño me da ~teh creeps~ y vale doble, ok? ♥ Y punto totalmente random porque son geniales y eso. XD

of magic & fire

english: Both shows revolve aroudn magic, in different forms, colours and purpose. Here be magical shiny rocks, magic fire/light & fire balls. ♥ & also, the respect for the death, both are quite medieval series, and this proved to be quite effective scenes and I just wanted to add them, ok? XD
español: Ambas series tienen toneladas de magia, en diferentes colores, formas y tamaños, así como própositos. Aquí rocas brillantes, rayos luminosos/fuego y bolas de fuego :D ♥ Y la despedidas, ambas histroias planteadas en un contexto medieval, y son escenas a mi parecer tan bonitas y poderosas al mismo tiempo :D (y me gustaba y solo cabía con el fuego, ok? XD).

badass brunettes with pretty hair

english: The title it's in itself pretty explanatory.!! Kahlan's hairs wins though, but that's just a little detail. They both are great at taking care of themselves, are strongminded, magical in their own, respected for their position, gorgeous, have the prince/hero at their feet, are determined and would do anything for what they consider right. And are also run by their emotions sometimes. ♥ They just win too much ♥
español: El título lo explica, pero de todas maneras: Hermoso cabello (Kahlan gana, pero bueno !!), pueden cuidar de si mismas, fuertes, magicas, respetadas por su posición, hermosas, tienen al principe/heroe a sus pies (sino a todo el mundo), son determinadas y harían cualqueir cosa por lo que consideran correcto. A veces, sus emociones las dominan (sobre todo a Morgana). ♥ Simplemente WIN ♥

slow scenes ♥

english: In Merlin they only appear when Merlin himself it's doing magic, because he can actually USE magic, while in LotS it come as a resourse that gives fighting scenes this.... touch that I love. Besides: KAHLAN. AND KAHLAN'S HAIR ♥
español: En Merlin las escenas lentas aparecen cuando Merlín utiliza sus poderes para enlentecer el tiempo, en camio, en LotS, es un efecto ¿artístico? durante las escenas de lucha que simplemente a mi me encanta. Además: Kahlan ! y su cabello ♥

Final notes:I could have chosen a lot of more scenes, I kept finding similar ones, even if they were just esthethic ones, so, I decided to stop. I love both shows, and they are both so different in their plots and their character development, but there are many things like this that come mostly of both shows being settled in a medieval magical looking place. And they are just so beautiful ♥ and such a pretty~~ cast
Notas finales: Podría haber seguido encontrado similitudes, aún las que eran solo estéticas, pero decidí detenerme aquí. Amo a ambas series, son bastante diferente en el concepto de sus tramas, y en sus personajes y sus desarrollos, pero tienen muchisimas similitudes que comienzan en su ambientación en una epoca medieval y magica. Y son ambas tan bonitas ♥ y un elenco tan bonito~~

ETA; I had planned on adding this link and I kind of forgot, hollywoodgrrl [[sync_slaying]] made this awesome vid one day, and I came across it and loved it so much that some how becamed one of my favourites vids without haven't yet seen LotS. So, if you wanna see both series in great movement, go see, because it's such and amazing video ♥
español: vayan a ver el vid porque lo amo y basicamente resume todo lo que acabo de mostrar XD

.the end.

Merlin animation by wikked_angel_78
Please, do not edit ♥
Hope you liked it ♥

tv: legend of the seeker, warn: spoilers, *graphics: picspam, comm: picspammy, tv: merlin

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