[fanmix] morgana {born again}

Jun 09, 2009 18:19

english >> So, I have like... 50 songs or so tagged with merlin (character/ship) between my bookmarks. The other day something took over me, and this was born. It's kind of a character study on Morgana {getting lost and founding her own way} There are two songs in Spanish, if you are interested I'll gladly try to translate them. They are there because they were supposed to be there. ♥ Anyay, I hope you enjoy it- ♥ (hearts are individual links)

español >> So, tengo como 50 canciones marcadas para hacer fanmixes de Merlín (yes, muchas) y el otro día me ha dado la loca y ha salido esto. Es uan especie de estudio de personaje {perderse y volver a encontrar un camino} 5 canciones en ingles y 2 en español (La vela ♥) me parecieron totalmente apropiadas. Tmb , están los pasos de como se suman estás canciones y como se ordenan, lamentablemente no me da la cabeza para traducirlo todo, pero si alguien quiere saber algo pregunte :DD (no muerdo salvo los días de luna llena). Espero que les guste ♥ (los corazones son links individuales)

volver a nacer

(be born again)

Introduction: Back & Forth
An only way to go...

unwell - matchbox twenty
I've lost my mind
I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell
I know, right now you can't tell
But stay awhile and maybe then you'll see
A different side of me

Step one: going down.
It takes one second to realize what it’s going on, five minutes to deny it. It takes months, crazy dreams and a whole of dying experiences being shred around to understand that there’s no turning back.. She takes the position that nothing change, she takes the smiles that wave away the fear, she takes everything she can until she knows, there’s no turning back and everything will be just lost.

neutro - la vela puerca
Lloraste alguna vez, fingiendo no ser vos
y te agarró la cordura..
jugando a ser normal, y a no perder el tren
cerrando en alza la usura..
¿Cómo perdiste la preciada figura de ser, lo que podía ser?
Y aquella chispa que encendía tu sol, se extinguió
se te bajó el telón.

tired - astroboy
Im so tired now
i'm so tired i'm going to sleep
i'm so tired
i'll take some pills and fall
Then i will dream somethinhg about you and me
and i'll sleep all night long
till the sunshine comes out

Step two: touching bottom.
Sometimes, when she sleeps, she dreams of war and blood. Sometimes she talks, sometimes she doesn’t. She cannot joke about death, she cannot express about future and dread. She is there and at the same time is not, she wants to leave this that started long time ago, but darkness creeps in and settles inside. There’s no turning back now.

mad world - gary jules
and i find i kind of funny
i find it kind of sad
the dreams in which i'm dying are the best i've ever had
i find it hard to tell you
i find it hard to take
when people run in circles its a very very
mad world
mad world

ruby rises - oren lavie
Ruby rise at dawn
With a sigh and a yawn
And you search for a trace
But there’s none in her face
Of the thoughts that she keeps
They are lost in her sleep

She’ll be a morning shadow
She’ll be a morning shadow
with the sun that rises
She dematerializes

Step three: starting again.
One day, she is awake, there’s no nightmare, no terror, no life to fear for. One day she can see like if she had new eyes. There’s no light without the dark. It’s time to grow, to go pass the pain. It’s the time to be born again.

heaven out of hell - elisa
Are you locked up in you counting the days
oh how long untill you have your freedom
just shake because you love
cry because you care
feel 'cause you're alive
sleep because you're tired
shake because you love
bleed 'cause you got hurt
die because you lived

make heaven, heaven out of hell now...

su ración - la vela puerca
Aunque sigue volando despacio, va a ser mejor
poder aterrizar
sin perder el control...
Ella lleva en su costal, todo lo que no vivió
la certeza, de lo más tibio que soñó..
Y se acerca hasta sentir, que todo lo puede hacer
aunque eso signifique
volver a nacer.

A path no one can deny. A path to follow-
Morgana’s way to feel once again alive.

download rar + art here

Comments are really appreciated!! ♥ | Comentarios apreciados!! ♥
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character: morgana le fay, *fanmix, tv: merlin

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