english >> I should really really stop doing picspams. And I swear I'd planned to bring icons before this, but DH got a second season so I finished this picspam to celebrate? I'll make sure the next post actually contains graphics for use *wink* Anyway, I have love these two since day one, and ñalsals. Just completely LOVE this scene. ♥
español >> Necesito dejar de hacer picspams, traer icons y ser productiva sería más coherente, pero doll-fucking-house tiene segunda temporada y como aún no me decido como festejarle, enga, he decidido terminar este picspam y ponerlo aquí. Aw, como adoro a estos dos desde el día uno y esta escena es... l'amour ♥
PS: as you may have notice, i had started working on this before the news about DH b eing renewed LOL