[picspam] dollhouse - 1x11 *here be spoilers*

May 08, 2009 22:05

english >> I know I keep promising icons and I'm failing. I shouldn't be here in the first place, as I have an exam next week. But Dollhouse ends tonight (tomorrow for me) and somehow, fic, discussin and so on got me excited, so... picspam, specially for my spanish speakers friends, who like me, still have to wait. BIG SPOILERS FOR 1x11: Briar Rose i need to stop doing so many picspams and actually do icons out of them! LOL

español >> Como tenemos que esperar aún entre poder descargar, poder ver y esas cosas que nos complican la vida (que yo no podré ver seguramente hasta mañana en la noche!!!). Y aunque debería estar estudiando, y no publicando como posesa. Heme aquí, trayendo picspam. Grandes SPOILERS de 1x11: Briar Rose. tengo qeu dejar de ahcer tanto picspam y hacer icons a partir de ellos X

Claire: Alpha

Alpha: Ah, you kept my gifts
Alpha: Yes, of course. Now you
Claire: Yes, of course
Alpha: They’re unique, you know?. Turn out different every time. Victor’s for example. They’re much deeper.

Alpha: Have you always wanted to be a doctor? It’s a simple question. Answer now.
Claire: Yes.
Alpha: That’s a lie. Let’s try another.


Alpha: Tell me about the first time you met me.

Claire: You were new. You had signed the agreement and they’d just… You’d just been wiped for the first time. Your handler brought you to me for an exam.
Alpha: And did you examine me? My whole body?
Claire: Yes.
Alpha: And was I fine? Healthy? Intact?
Claire: Yes.
Alpha: This is so interesting. I wish we had more time.
Claire: We don’t have time?



Oh, my most lvoed character is Topher, my most loved ship is probably Topher/Claire, but this is my pleasure ship. I just... I couldn't help it, it was just this, this whole scene and I was sold. Who cares about Echo when you can have Claire? ♥ LOL. I can't wait for the finale !!!.

Off to study!! And spread the DH (and alpha/claire lol) love ♥ /random.

warn: spoilers, tv: dollhouse, *graphics: picspam

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