Apr 19, 2006 23:00
Well now that I'm here I guess I should *do* something. Besides read. Guess maybe I'll have to go and join some communities, so I can post and meet people. Is that how this is done?
I really dig other people's cool and excellent user pics, and want to have some of my own, but I don't know how. New at this and know as close to nothing as possible about techy stuff. But the pupil is now ready, so maybe the master will appear. Which reminds me....
You know, I've been thinking a lot about that lately. That whole theme of waiting for the master to appear, waiting for direction, or guidance, or.. maybe salvation. And I've come to the dismal conclusion, for myself at least, that this is the case:
If you are looking around you, waiting for the hero to appear, and nobody else is stepping forward, guess what that means.
You *are* the hero.
And not in a brave, romantic way. In the way that, nobody is coming to save me, nobody is coming to guide me, nobody is sweeping in to save the day. It's on me. I'm the f**king hero.
And if that sounds brave and romantic, that's not how it feels. It feels like being stranded on a desert island, and deciding, nobody's coming.
Nobody's coming. That *so* sucks.
Okay, well, that's enough morose for one night. Come friends, let us away....
life is hard