In Which, No One will be Interested.

Apr 18, 2006 23:02

Okay, um, well... hello.

First off, this is raqs' fault, so go blame her. I really have nothing to say....except for some reason I keep trying to say it. Hm.

So I wrote her a couple of gushy, fan-y, I-worship-the-ground-you-walk-on-cuz-you-write-such-good-smut letters. Something to the effect of dying if she were to stop, you know, nothing extreme. Basically begging her and every other slash writer to keep 'em coming (pun accidental, but now intended). Cuz I can't live without it, as it seems to be a large part of the tenuous hold I have on my sanity.

I wonder if that's as sad as it seems? No matter. It is as it is. Maybe if Jack were here, he'd order me to get a life. Jack's not here.

So aaaanyway, I also wanted to be able to comment on raqs' delightful, insightful, funny, sometimes tragic, and overall *brilliant* journal, without being anonymous. I can be wretched, and pathetically adoring, and obsequious, and genuinely sympathetic, and occasionally clever, but not anonymous. Never that.

So here we are. Or here I am, at least. Maybe I will henceforth (such a better word than the phrase "from now on", don't you think? yet one seldom gets to use it) only use my livejournal to have an ID to comment on others' posts. Or to have long and aimless ramblings on the greatness that is raqs. Let us see what the future holds.
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