Aug 04, 2008 03:34
so yeah it's been over a year, wow WTF, who knew a year could go by so fast, I think I may get into this whole livejournal again cause I can't do the whole writing in a real journal thing.
To catch you up well i'm currently single I've been through 3 boyfriends, i'm still in love with number 2, but he's just a friend, actually my best friend, and having to listen to what he does and dating and all that KILLS me, might as well just pull a missery on me dude will hurt less. Oh well, shit happens.
I'm currently working for things remembered, no clue if I mentioned I was working there a year ago, I think I was in line for a job but it wasn't full time at first so I worked at Journey's instead, but now i'm full time there and YAY, it's not really bad, the staff consist of 2 hags and 2 fags, so..LOL. you can imagine the trouble we get ourselves into.
I have to say this now. I'M OBSESSED WITH THE TWILIGHT SERIES, waiting on the movie is pure torture, I love Robert Pattinson and i'm thrilled he's playing Edward, and they couldn't have chosen a better Bella Swan. They all fit the parts well. I am on book 3, I am going over board with the merchandise, but oh well shit happens, you know me I'm not very subtle when it comes to merchandise I do belive I should get a cut of the proceeds cause god nows I should get something back for all the crap I buy.
Not even sure who still even reads this thing but oh well, guess i'll see...I've missed it and i've missed you guys...
ex boyfriends,