scene 31

Feb 25, 2008 10:10

{ Private // Very Hard to Hack }

It's safe. It's not here with me, but it's safe, and Misi's coming by today to give it back to me.

My heart nearly stopped when I opened the box and found it empty. There were a thousand things that were wrong - only Rosemary and Megumi know it even exists, but I hadn't shown it to either of them yet; I had tucked it away when I was in the apartment alone, so no one could have seen me - not that anyone here would have taken it, anyway; and perhaps the most frightening of all, how had someone entered despite the wards?

I think, more than anything else, though, what struck me the most was the fact that I had lost the only proof I had to remind myself that it wasn't a dream. That it happened. I might never see him again, I might never discuss it, even to myself, but I had it, something tangible, something I could hold...before tucking it away into silence again.

I'll have to find a new hiding place for it.

{ Filtered to Artemis and Rosemary }

Waverly still isn't taking in any energy. The readings have been consistent since I first started taking them. But that's a good thing, isn't it? If she was still taking in energy, she'd have nothing to do with it and nowhere to put it, which would do nothing to help get her out of her coma.

I'd like to see both of you today, if that's possible. It isn't just to discuss Waverly's situation. I'm really worried about Ted's condition. We should have guessed, shouldn't we? We kept referencing Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, but we forgot the most important part - the doctor couldn't get rid of Mr. Hyde without getting rid of himself. What's done to one side of the equation must be done to the other. Right?

I don't know if there's a way to make Ted stronger without making Edward stronger, innocent person can't pay the price for someone else's choices. It isn't right. There has to be something we can do.

{ Filtered to Yakko }

There is really no easy way to say this, so I'll make a list:

1.) While they very well might have stuck Walter Cronkite Underground once he was replaced by Dan Rather, there are - and I'm serious! - monsters there. Please don't go for any reason. The first time I went, I had no idea what sort of things were down there, and even now, I still don't entirely know how I made it back.

2.) The insanity yesterday...was not unusual. We do have some very strange days here in the City (it has a sense of humor, you see). But you'll learn to pick up on them in time, and not everyone is cursed at the same time, so you might even be able to avoid them.

3.) You've met Ron, Ginny, and Neville by now? The boys go to work everyday, so they probably won't be around much, but you'll get to see them later. They're nice, aren't they?

4.) I had to run down to the hospital this morning to check on a friend, but I left breakfast already made. You have an omlette - knock yourself out. And when I come back home (before noon, probably), you can tell me what other things you like.

{ Filtered to roommates }

Happy Monday, guys, and make sure you say hi to Yakko on your way out.

...I'll explain this evening.

waverly, so very worried, i have the best roommates ever, team rosarahemis ftw!, artemis, i heart my friends!, yakko, ted, rosemary

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