(no subject)

Jun 22, 2012 01:04


I am just so fucking sick of my ex thinking his fake ex is the greatest shit on the planet. They never even dated officially and he's all omg I can't stop thinking about her. Wtf why?!?!!!! They hung out for like 2 months and went on a couple dates. She stayed at his place like once. They were barely anything. Why is he so stuck on this?! Why doesn't he fucking think about me?!?! It makes me feel like shit but then I remember how much he did care about me and how he wanted to hang out with me even when he was sort of seeing this girl! So idk what's going on now. Maybe hes just going crazy because he wants what he can't have but dn it boy you can have me and I'm 100 times hotter and 100 times cooler. The girl plays fucking frisbee. What the fuck ever.

I just want him to make one fucking tweet about how he can't stop thinking abut me and not this dumb bitch. I know I have no right to say this but can he please just get the fuck over it?!?!

He let this fucking bitch ruin our relationship and ugh I just don't understand why what they had is killing him now when at the time he wasn't even that into her!!! He approached me at that drumline party and wanted to hang outnwth me. She dumps him like 2 weeks later...alright cool so what did you do in 2 weeks that was so damn special?!

It's not even an issue because she's dating this other frisbee loser who she loves...but like dude why the fuck is he so stuck on this?! I get that it's hard to get over someone but it'd be great if he could think about me for a change.

I don't even really blame him because it's hard to get over your first big crush. But I just want him to think about me too!!! And I really wonder what she did to make him so entranced. Of love to be enlightened. Whether I'm reading too much into it.

I just can't decide if I wanna bring itup with him...it's just driving me crazy and I want some insight...in a sense it's not that weird...I'd just like to know what she did to him because no matter how much he denies it I know she affected his feelings for me. He didn't feel exactl the way he felt around her sk he dumped me. Well every relationship is different buddy!! But he clearly let it get it to him and I just wanna understand why what she did affected him soooo much.

Ugh love sucks.

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