good night :)

May 22, 2011 03:43

ahhhh i love my job so much!! tonight was really fun at work :) but i'm so annoyed i don't have hours next week. i feel like the schedule got messed up cuz like NONE of the impacters have hours...really weird. but i still love working at A&F! i got to run fitting rooms too which is like my fave! this one guy started talking to me and i have NO idea what he it sounded a diff language and then i randomly heard "bunch of shit" and im liek wtf?!?! no idea what he was going on about. haah but it was funny. alfonse started walking around without his shirt when the store closed. pretty great moment. i don't know how i became so obsessed with a store but i'm really grateful that i get to be involved with a place i love so much!

i should deff be sleeping right now. i NEED to go to church tmrw. and i'm going to be so tired. but oh well. i woke up super late so i'm just like not sleepy even tho work was a bit tiring. and im in like too weird of a mood to sleep. like im happy but theres also some random shit going thru my head. like idk what to do about this evan guy i hooked up with at the end of the year. i can't decide  if i want to see him when i visit AA. like i do cuz hes really attractive and i liked his personality...he was funny...but at the same time hes prob an asshole who just wants a fuck buddy and idk if i want to get involved in anything that will get me hurt because although in general im not clingy, i can get really emotional...but at the same time i feel like i'd regret not trying to get to know him. but everything could get awkward if i don't wanna do shit with him. ugh. i just don't know what i want. big problem. i feel like im still too immature to do anything more than make out with a guy that's not my actual boyfriend. which is of course what he wants. but i really do want to see him. i told him i was visiting AA next week and he asked me what i want to do and i dont even know!! like what do you do with a guy you barely know and hooked up with once?? like is getting a meal weird? just hang out? but where? what will it lead too? where would we meet? go to a movie? like i have no idea!!! ugh im a hott mess!

i really forgot how much i love this thing! i need to update more often. i love talking about myself way too much and i think im really starting to piss my friends off. i dont do it on purpose :( it's hard to change who i am. but maybe letting some stuff out here will make it better. i guess we shall seeeee.

my legs kinda hurt. weird. and the lj banner is showing some hands like holding the sun or this related to the end of the world thing?! i wonderrr

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