Nov 25, 2009 19:21
I am starting to get distinctly tired of taking it up the bum from every angle of my life. Seriously.
I spent all morning/early afternoon working on stuff for school and for stuff going on here at home. When I went to Witman's to get the dress for Abby (since they were closed yesterday when I went) they were closed again. I called to ask a question about something and my Husband proceeded to snot at me as though I'm the biggest piece of annoying in her life. Which is probably true, but which made me feel majorly unappreciated. Then I went to Weaver's and had to have an argument about my dog which resulted in me making him wait outside because being Mennonite, they don't actually have to follow the Law (?). Got Mom at the airport, took her to get blood-work and an EKG in preparation for her surgery on Friday. Went to three different grocery stores to get all the stuff I need for the food we are making for Mom's family tomorrow and Dad's on Saturday. Still missing things because it's the night before Thanksgiving and every grocery store in town is out of stuff. I do not have time to spend all day tomorrow celebrating because there is too much other crap I need to get done for all aspects of my life.
DAKS can stuff it because no way am I going to be there right at 7:30 on Saturday to finish all this costume stuff before the kids come in for rehearsal and she can't sit there and make comments about every single stitch. Although, unlike everyone else in my life, at least DAKS is appreciative and let's me know that she appreciates me once in a while. I mean, yeah, she's the biggest bitch in the world (literally), but she never makes me feel like dirt under her feet and she goes out of her way to be thankful when it's all said and done.
I'll be damned if I am driving you all into Philly on Friday night so you can party, and be merrily drunk. If you want to go to Damon's or La Piazza or anything in the general vicinity of this county I'll be happy to oblige. I categorically refuse, however, to spend the only evening I have off on this break taxi-ing a bunch of crazy drunk people into the city. That is not my idea of a good group catch-up event.
I know I sound like a bitch, and I'm almost sorry. I'm sure I'll be sorry later tonight when I've gotten some of the crap I still need to do today done and had a bath.
abby is awesome