
Jun 03, 2012 19:20

It amazes me sometimes, how much we're our younger selves no matter how old we get. I've been busy today, mostly with weekend stuff, but in the background a few things have been happening.

First, I've been listening to songs performed by the bands that made them famous, and then the covers from Glee... and maybe sometimes watching the Glee videos. Sometimes I like the Glee mixes better, which amuses me to no end. But mostly, I've been remembering how freaking inspirational and beautiful music is.

Second, music is so rooted in Sandy for me that while it can make me sad, it always makes the music better. Even though she's not here, she's here, because any song older than mid-1990s, we probably sang together, back when I could hold harmony to someone else's melody. And plenty of songs after the mid-1990s just--do you have a friend who says, "Go listen to this song" because she knows that A) you'll love it; and B) you're unlikely to trip over it yourself? Sandy was that friend. So feel free to send song recs, any time. I will always appreciate them. Right now I'm listening to Pink's "F***king Perfect" on a loop with songs like the Glee cover of "Lean on Me", Ke$sha's "Tik-Tok", Rush's "Closer to the Heart", Aerosmith's "Eat the Rich" and Gwyneth Paltrow covers from Glee ("Landslide" is my favorite). The eclectic nature of my music today is appealing to something incredibly rich inside me, and I'm feeling terrifically alive.

Third, writing is fun and thrilling--professional writing especially so. I'm attending the (***) writers' conference coming up soon, armed with business cards, pieces of manuscripts, and novel outlines to pitch for feedback, and I'm both excited and anxious. I feel like I'm balanced on the edge of a cliff, and that falling over it is the one, the only, the best thing I can possibly do.

Finally, all of these feelings I'm having--about music, writing, weekend stuff, family and future plans--are conflating into joy. For all the loss and pain and death and rain, I can look up at the sky right this minute and see... a vee of huge pelicans flying over the shoreline not far away, and life is just amazingly beautiful.

Or hell, maybe I'm just joyful because I saw a preview for "Longmire" at the movies today and am eagerly awaiting the airing tonight!
cross-posted from dreamwidth.
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