My happy places

May 14, 2012 20:44

My happy places are simple places, filled with anger and laughter and passion and the kind of sniping that only comes with great, great trust and longevity. My happy places tonight have pictures!! Van posted a nice C/B squee and it contained a few frames that I almost always forget exist, which is insane to me given how obviously and richly amused and affectionate the expression Chris has for Buck. He's practically wriggling--and that right there is a huge part of my happy place: Buck Wilmington makes Chris young. Even when Chris doesn't want to be. Even when Chris resists it with the kind of violence only he can. But Buck makes Chris young, and over the course of the series there are scenes that harken back to that--from the "Obsession" moments where Chris threatens to halter and tame Buck; to "I should've shot you while I had the chance" and a dozen or more other moments. I don't know if that's a "key" issue in their friendship--loyalty clearly plays a huge part, as does the ability to predict each other's behaviors, actions, locations... but I think the fact that Buck holds on to the joy in life that Chris believe was burned out of him really is an important element of their relationship, and one Van reminded me of in her post. (cumbersome link below) cross-posted from dreamwidth.

chris/buck squee

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