I am... at a loss.

Nov 01, 2010 17:35

And deeply emotionally turbulent.

On the one hand, flying across the country to attend what is *mostly* a sweet party attended by people all across the political spectrum (mostly moderate to left, but still--I met a couple of very nice conservatives) is silly and fun and entirely worth having done.

On the other hand, I see a commercial about repealing health care with this url: "http://iwvoice.org/" and I wonder why I don't go on a killing spree more often. The commercial and the web site makes me wonder what ridiculously rich man/men (or politician(s) or health insurance companies or big pharma) is/are supporting this bullshit. On the other, I just want to cry that grown-up people are so egocentric that they'll really *say*, and *support*, and *promote* shit like that.

Every time I hear, "I don't want government between me and my doctor," I think, "How could government be worse than the insurance company being between me and my doctor? At least the government's rates are more reasonable--and their interests are clearly more in line with mine than my health insurer's.

Then I think I should just take Jon Stewart's advice and just turn off my television more.

Still. It was my friend's mom watching the TV, not me. I was--and have been, and feel like I will be for weeks more--been working my butt off, which I wouldn't complain about if I weren't tired.



cross-posted from dreamwidth. http://charlottechill.dreamwidth.org/11847.html#comments
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