Sunday Networking

Mar 02, 2009 19:12

New journal here! Tag for it? Thank you! :D

Muse's Name: Clark Kent
Muse's Fandom: Smallville
Summary of Muse: What can you say about Clark? He's a farmer turned reporter who happens to be a superpowered alien from another planet. Oh, and he seems to have a lot of women problems.
Journal Content / Warnings: He's Clark Kent, so he's pretty clean in general. He's mostly PG, though since his friends don't tend to be so innocent, there may be some questionable content.
Looking for: Anything and everything! Clark is a pretty new muse, so he needs friends!
Any other information: I would love any cross-fandom friends for him, even non-fandom OCs. I'll take anyone! He's also a bit different from his canon self in that he's a virgin and plans to stay that way until he's married. I don't know why, but it's how I've always thought he would be. Not that he's a total prude. Of course not. ;-)

Muse's Name: Lana Lang (horsewoman_lana)
Muse's Fandom: Smallville
Summary of Muse: That would take forever to type. Just take a look at her profile page, it's all there.
Journal Content / Warnings: Adult concepts, language, massive amounts of emo and angst. Occasional femmeslash, but that's really just an inside joke between me and a friend and will always be clearly marked.
Looking for: Anything and everything, just like Clark.
Any other information: Lana's been around a few months, since the end of November. The vast majority of her friends are from Smallville fandom, and I'd like to expand from that. Doesn't matter what fandom, if any, if you think they could develop some kind of relationship (friendship, romance, rivalry, whatever), just contact me somehow.

planetbound, horsewoman_lana

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