Sunday prompt: Networking

Mar 02, 2009 16:23

Muse's Name: (name of muse, character, that guy you write for) William 'Spike' Aurelius (will_aurelius )

Mun name / nickname: (what you want to be called) Ash

Muse's Fandom: (where your muse is from or if they are an original character) Buffyverse

Summary of Muse: (all about your muse!)

This is a slightly AU version of Spike- using the fanfics of peasant_  and kidcyclone as the 'canon' for the 'verse. Spike as I play him is a young fledgeling- generally during the time periods between 1880 and 1888, and primarily focusing on 1883 at the moment.

In this AU, Angelus does not get cursed with a soul. However, that really isn't even an issue at the ages I play Spike. As I play him, he has not yet completely grown into the confident, Slayer-killing bad-arse that he will eventually become. He is still learning his footing- how to stalk, hunt, and try to stay out of trouble with Angelus.

Spike is stubborn, opinionated, impetuous, and inclined to petty thievery and cheating. He likes fire, fireworks, things that explode, knives, swords, pistols, fighting,  penny dreadfuls, sweets, the thrill of the chase, whiskey, beer, pubs, music halls, billards, prizefighting, gambling, football, and cricket. He does not like lessons, tutors, rules, being dragged to posh parties and the ballet or opera, etiquette and having to dress up nicely and sit still.

Spike loves Dru with all his heart, alternately hero-worships and tries to thwart Angelus, and manages to annoy Darla almost without trying. This 'verse has a whole tl;dr issue with other vampire clans, minions and other fledges whom Spike interacts with, which I am always glad to expound on but won't subject people to here.

There is also a high degree of humour and whimsey in addition to the adventurous and hair-raising aspects.

Journal Content / Warnings: (is there something scary in that there journal? do you write something some people might be uncomfortable with?

My kidcyclone journal is probably NC-17 for graphic descriptions of violence and vampiric activities as well as D/s themes and both het and slash content. My will_aurelius journal is probably PG-13 at the moment, but it is not inconceivable that there will in future be R rated subjects due to adult themes- these are vampires, after all.

Looking for: (new friends? roleplaying partners? plot? etc!) I'm open to rping/chatting with all muses- however, remember, Spike as I play him is largely from the 1880's and so there will be cultural differences if your char is from a future time. I have no problem handwaving things or working around them, however, and eventually would like to explore Spike at different times of his 'youth'- the early 20th century from 1900-1930's for example.

Any other information: (anything else you want to tell us about you, your muse, what you're looking for, a list of other people you play, etc)

I would love for Spike to interact with other vampires, especially other Aurelians. Anybody who is a fan of peasant_ 's 'verse and would like to rp using that background would be fantastic.

Coming up with collaborative plots using the aforementioned AU as a background would be great. And anybody mad enough to want to take on the role of any of Spike's other relatives- Darla, The Master,  'Great-Uncle Luke', or the minions from my and peasant_ 's fics would be fantastic.

I'll stick to Buffyverse chars in this post- I also play an AU version of Angelus, as well as various minions, and other chars from the AU which I'd love to talk more about if anybody's interested.


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