(no subject)

Jan 26, 2009 00:48

1. What gender of character do you play more of, male or female? Why?

I tend to play mostly men, but I try to keep it well balanced if I can. I enjoy both, but it's hard for me to find writing partners as a girl (btw, looking for a male counterpart for one of my ladies. Interested, please inquire within!)

2. Is this different or the same as your own gender?

I'm a girl. So both...?

3. Do you find that your gender makes it easier or more challenging to play your characters?

I don't think my gender really gets in the way. The hardest part is the emotional times, but I find good enough reasons for my boys to get crabby if needed, and I have a husband to check myself with and bombard with questions.

4. What sexuality / gender identity do your characters have?

My kids are pretty much always straight.

5. How does your character's sexuality and gender identity define / affect their personality?

Not really. I have emotional straight men and I have macho straight men. It all depends on the guy.

6. Do you tend to predominantly play characters of a certain sexuality? If so, why?

Yeah, I dunno, just what I'm most comfortable with. It's how they want to be written.

7. To what extent do you write / play your character's sexual or romantic life?

It depends on the writer. Some writers are more graphic and other's not so much. Believe it or not from reading the comments, but Page/Kaden don't do it non-stop all the time. I like just flowing with the moment and seeing where it takes them. Which leads to some interesting times, and wonderful character developement. Natural just...makes it more fun. :D Feels real.

8. How has the character's romantic life affected his character development?

Greatly. In so many lovely and complex ways.

9. Do you set 'ships' or plan for your characters to be together with other characters, or do you allow their relationships to develop organically? Why?

I honestly don't like to do it, but I have. I like to just let my characters fall for each other naturally. Sometimes I'll ask for pairings, and I'll pair kids up automatically at the start with people who want me too...but it takes away some of the magic. :/ I like being surprised, kind of like how life surprises you.

10. Do you change the gender identities / preferred sexualities of canon characters? Why / why not?

Not usually. Very rarely.


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