Munday - Gender/Sexuality

Jan 25, 2009 21:46

*squeaky, girly voice* Hullo!  I am Lee. I know I may look like Rabastan, but I'm not.  I just get soooooo into my character've started to look like him!  Yup!  Let's go to the prompt!

1. What gender of character do you play more of, male or female? Why?

I, meaning Lee, because I'm Lee, play a lot of male roles because guys are awesome and stuff.  That's why.  The only female I play a lot is that redheaded one I can't remember the name of because Lee...I mean...because someone is locked in a closet and can't get out so they can't remind me of what her name is.  The end.

2. Is this different or the same as your own gender?

I'm a giiiiiiirl.  Duh.

3. Do you find that your gender makes it easier or more challenging to play your characters?

It's easy because I just ask them what they'd do and they tell me.  Rabastan is soooooooo hot.  I tried to make eyes at him once, but he was like "NO WAY, I don't like you!  I only like my wifey!  Plus, you're stupid."

Then I cried.

4. What sexuality / gender identity do your characters have?


5. How does your character's sexuality and gender identity define / affect their personality?

Rabastan likes sex, the end.  I don't know about anyone else because I don't pay attention to them.

6. Do you tend to predominantly play characters of a certain sexuality? If so, why?


7. To what extent do you write / play your character's sexual or romantic life?

MY WIFE....RABASTAN AND HIS WIFE FUCK LIKE RABBITS.  Again, I don't know anything about anyone else.  I think the redhead chick is kinda kinky.  I've seen her wearing some weird shit.  And Jacob doesn't have sex.  If he did, I'd have to have a serious talk with him.  Very serious.   Extremely serious.   I might kill him.

8. How has the character's romantic life affected his character development?

Rabastan loves his wife.  He loves her.  That's all you need to know.  He'd never hurt her again.

9. Do you set 'ships' or plan for your characters to be together with other characters, or do you allow their relationships to develop organically? Why?

One day, Rabastan was alone and had no one but his sister-in-law who was married, so obviously he didn't have her either.  Then they went to the mall and caused a lot of chaos.  There he met Heather, who was really a superhero named Batgirl at the time but he found out her name later.  He kidnapped her and they had sex and she fell MADLY in love with him.  It wasn't expected, but they lived happily ever after.  So anyone who ever thought Rabastan was GAY or going to DIE ALONE can go fuck themselves!

10. Do you change the gender identities / preferred sexualities of canon characters? Why / why not?


((OOC: .......*sigh*...))


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