Doubleshot: 11 Apr & 16 Apr 2013

Apr 17, 2013 18:52

The best laid plans of mice and men...

List your goals for the day. Next, list what circumstances came up to prevent or hamper you in meeting those goals.

16. April- Tell us about a time you left and a time you came back.

"Maus," Torrent said, voice tired. "I already said I was sorry."
"You're not sorry. You're a filthy heathen barbarian and I hate you." Ryn crossed her arms, looking away from him with a sniff of disapproval. He sighed and sucked on his bottle of beer, not bothering to get down from where he sat on the kitchen counter. There was no reasoning with her when she was like this.
"Doch, Schätzle... I am sorry, really..."
"No you're not. You're just sorry that you can't just get away with making me upset." She disappeared into their bedroom for a moment, returning with her handbag and sliding a pair of heeled sandals onto her feet. "I'm leaving. I'm going to your mother's to tell her what an awful, horrible male you are in hopes she'll send Jürgen around to beat some sense into you."
With that, she turned and left. The door fell shut behind her and he sighed again, sending a quick text to his eldest sister to let her know Ryn was on her way, asking her to inform Mama. He hopped off the counter and pulled the casserole he'd made for supper from the oven. It looked like he'd be dining alone tonight.

Torrential had just cut into the casserole when he heard the front door open. "Maus?"
"I've changed my mind; it's past six! And I should like a bit of supper."
He smiled to himself, texted his sister again, and got another plate. "Klar, Mausi. Would you like red wine, or white?"


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