Sunday: Mad Libs

Jul 01, 2012 00:31

Today's RP prompt comes in a couple of steps. The first is for you to write a few sentences (or a few paragraphs if you like) describing something your character is doing. Example:

Jack went up the hill to get a pail of water. He whistled cheerfully to himself as he climbed. But he fell down, and broke his crown, and had to go to the hospital. Oh snap!

Then, go through and erase certain words, and note which part of speech they are. Aside from part of speech, you may also clarify things such as "body part" or "location" if you feel this will help get the story to make some sort of sense.

Jack went up the (noun) to get a (noun). He whistled (adverb) to himself as he (verb). But he fell down, and broke his (noun - body part), and had to go to the hospital. (Interjection!)

Then, post a list of the 'missing pieces' you need to Charloft. Example:

1. Noun
2. Noun
3. Adverb
4. Verb
5. Noun - body part
6. Interjection

As you get answers, plug them in then post the full mad-libs as replies to your commenters! Characters are free, and indeed, encouraged, to interact ICly on the crazy results that, erm, result!

prompts, sunday

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