Friday: Make Your List!

Jun 30, 2012 20:40

For swops:

Note: I clame no responsibilty for eny loss ov life, limb, or reputashun due to partisipating in this exchanj ov goods
and also am not taking teh blame if Angelus comes caling to get anything I hav nicked off ov him back.

The Items:

1. One copy ov From Acathla to Zombie: A Fledgeling's Bestiary. Used, fare condishun, slite ginja beer stain on edge of pages, sum marring to spine

2. One copy ov Frontingbum's Demonic Etiquette. Used, fair condishun, some warping on acownt of being droped into the privy. Swopped with lilruca in exchange for medickal kit

3. One wooly scarf and gloves, hand-knitted, in dark grey, suteable for climbing or as a gift if you hav a grate-nefew you do not like much.

4. Harf-duzen Puffian Conjuring Orbs, best qwality, entertaning and amusing for the entire family. Contains 3 "specktacular" displays, 1 "nightmare" display, 1 "romantick" display, and 1 "general glamour" display.

5. One tin "Creeping Dred"

6. Six hand-tintid lithografs representing The Scourge ov Europe and his Consort at an exclusiv demonick seaside resort.

7. One bundle "Fang Floss," extra-corse (Currently ON HOLD for a prospecktiv chump trader)

8.  One "Fauntlery Suit" (recomended for starting fires or perhaps as a gift for your enemys), also makes an exsellent bin-liner Swopped with fritz4now in exchange for anshent jellybeens

8. One pare slippers, extra-large, with fansy Chinese dragons embroydired on the tops. Soles guaranteed made of extreemly tough material, possibly iron. Also, magickly charmed so as to be fireproof.  (Currently ON HOLD for a prospecktiv chump trader)

9. 1 fansy lady's hat, compleet with ded fezzunt and assorted frutes, used only sporadickly by the Consort ov the Scourge of Europe who will never miss it cos she has about 238 othirs (Currently ON HOLD for a prospecktiv chump trader)

10. Goremay jelly beans. A work-out for yor teeth! Keep the insizors sharp and the gums in check by chewing Dr Faustus's Hyjennick Dental Jelly Beens. Guaranteed to hav been aged at minimum of 12 years. Also suitble for removal of old fillings or may be pulvurised and scattered about in lieu of coloured gravel.


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