Thursday & Friday (2/23/2012 & 2/24/2012)

Feb 24, 2012 23:30

Your challenge word for today's drabble is pray. Do with it what you will!

Mere woke up, feeling the sun on her skin. After not being able to go out in the daylight for so long, it was so amazing to feel something so warm. She couldn’t imagine taking it for granted again. You don’t realize how much you miss something until you can experience it again, she supposed.

She brushed Ash’s hair out of his face, watching him as he flinched slightly in his sleep. She wasn’t religious in any sort of sense, but she had done a lot of praying over Ash recently. It seemed like every time she turned around, there was some friend of hers needing help. It would be annoying if it wasn’t so crisis-y. She prayed over every one of them, too.

Probably not anyone so much as Ash, though. It sincerely seemed like he couldn’t take care of himself, sometimes. As powerful as he was, he didn’t function without someone at his side. It almost didn’t matter who it was, though. That was the way she saw it, anyway. She was happy for it to be her, but she was willing to step aside for it to be someone else, too, if that’s what he needed.

Mere fell in love pretty easily and fairly hard, but she always carried a torch for one little creepy blond haired guy. Go figure.

Suppose you find the proverbial genie-in-the-lamp. What's the list of your three wishes? Wishing to set the genie free is permissible; wishing for more wishes is the cheater's way out and the genie in question warns that he'll respond to that sort of shenanigans with a thousand camel's fleas infesting your nether regions.

1. Even more musical fame. (Sometimes I feel that it’s just not coming fast enough. I want Metallica fame!)
2. For the people in my life to be happy for once. (It seems that as soon as one of them gets happy another gets depressed again.)
3. Free the damn genie. (Why not? I’m already rich and hot.)


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